
People order running shoes online? I can't. So many fit my feet badly that I can't assume a pair online will fit.

We had a good run, time to turn things over to some other entity.

It's my fault. I haven't had time yet to watch season 2.

Just like those millions of fake inauguration attendees he had.

Founder All Day is my favorite session IPA.
I shared a Stone Wootstout and a Three Heads Baltic Porter (3 Heads is local) aged in whiskey barrels with my brother this past weekend. The porter was pretty boozy. I'll have to pick up another bottle & cellar it to mellow it out & see how it is in 6-12 months.

I played Forbidden Desert for the second time this past weekend, with my parents and my sister-in-law (my brother didn't want to play for whatever reason). This time, we barely won instead of losing. This game seems a lot more challenging to win than Forbidden Island is. Or maybe we're still just not good at using

I've been in my house about 8-9 months now. But in that time, I've never really had anyone over to the house except immediate family. It's probably a combination of things: I've never been much of a party host; I'm busy with music adventures a lot; I never keep my place clean. Anyway, the village I moved to has

I've gradually gotten decent at parallel parking over the years. It's still weird parallel parking on the left on a one-way street, which I've had to do a couple times recently.


Absent, but Noteworthy: NHL Finals. Go Penguins!

I took Friday off, giving me a 4 day weekend. I'm dedicating today to DVR catch-up. I have about 5 episodes of Fargo and 5 eps of Better Call Saul, along with a few Simpsons and Bob's Burgers to watch. Also last night's Doctor Who and Class because I got tired & went to bed.

Yeah, but the magic word "Solyndra" invalidates your entire argument!

I finished 12 Monkeys Wednesday night. I actually kinda liked Syfy's approach of throwing the whole season up over the weekend. It made for a good 2-evening binge watch.

You rang?

Khal the Midwife

Ugggh, we've been living through Boss Baby since January. We don't need a movie about it.


I was probably going to bring a bomber of a local baltic porter aged in a local distillery's whiskey barrels with me to share with my brother when we get together for our dad's birthday this weekend. Not really a summertime beverage, but I've never cared much for convention.

I don't know, has he wished anyone good luck, and that we're all counting on them?

There's only one man who would DARE give me the raspberry — Lone Star!
/camera hits helmet