
Going to my parents' house for my Dad's birthday on Saturday.

I had a pair of concerts last weekend. They went well. I also played at my alma mater's commencement ceremony Sunday morning. I'm not in that group anymore, so I mostly did it as a favor to the conductor, who is one of the kindest people I've ever met.

Sameowl Clemens was right there!

With a $100 million kickback to his daughter!

I've always been partial to Turn the Page, even after Metallica covered it.

I thought it was Tori Amos.

Silver Springs

Once Upon a Time has a fan base?

If you've never seen him before, you need to go watch Galavant.

I sort by "best," not "oldest," so odds are the first comment made isn't the first one I see anyway.

Wait, those are new episodes? I assumed it was a DVR bug that it was going to record them all despite it being a marathon of last season.

I didn't realize it wasn't the finale. I was surprised so many plates were still spinning at the end, until the "next week, on" clip started playing. And then I shut off my DVR because I'm one of *those people* who doesn't like the clips of next week's episode. (-:

DIP 7400s and 7408s? It's like I'm back in my college EE logic design class. If I remember right, 7400 has 4 2-input NOR gates, and 7408 has 6 inverter gates.



Are you sure he didn't just immediately turn to dust? TV has shown me that that's often what happens to demons when they die.

I just watched that. On the side panel was a live clip where CC explained how he looked up the lyrics to U2's One but clicked on lyrics to Metallica's One instead. This is the result.…

I played about half of that album before leaving for work this morning after reading the news.

Gerrymandering. Voter suppression. 24-hour rightwing news/AM talk radio.

The indy theatre in my town had a screening of the original Alien a couple years ago. Hot damn does that movie hold up. The only thing that was dated was the computer interface.