
She's in the best ones that I've seen, but then I haven't seen any of them after the first 3.

I liked them a lot as a Doctor/companion pairing, but oof, they were in some clunky episodes in S2.

Does his mind control work on the undead?

I bought a few cooperative / mostly cooperative board games a week or 2 ago. I played one of them (Forbidden Desert) with my parents on Sunday. We've played Forbidden Island a few times, and this was certainly a bit more complicated, but still fun. We lost because too much sand piled up on the island, which wasn't

Look at this guy eating avocado. No wonder he can't afford a house.

I had a sub: spicy ham & salami on a sesame roll with oil, lettuce, pickles, and black olives.

I have 1 more concert before the season wraps up (technically 2, the same program Friday night & Sunday afternoon). Our chamber orchestra is doing a concert with a choir of about 20. The concert is a set of orchestral/choral arrangement of Psalms. One piece got cut from the program, and it's the one that required

Why should I have to pay for someone else's dirt?

I watched a family of birds get massacred trying to walk across the street on my drive home from work Monday. I was stopped in a left turn lane, and they were crossing a car or 2 in front of me. A car in the oncoming lane gassed it as soon as his light turned green. I could see how he might not have seen them at

NIN - Hurt (Downward Spiral)
Pearl Jam - Release (Ten)

I thought preschool teacher Liv was pretty annoying, but Clive glancing over and pushing down her puppet in the interrogation room was the highlight of the episode.

Homer, find your soulmate

Me neither. I'm allergic to "reality" TV.

It was woodchipped, but then people went back in time to rescue it from the woodchipper.

My DVR shows a new episode next Sunday, so tonight's not the finale.

I was in college. I tacked on my class year at the end.

Crap, I deleted the series off my DVR this morning.

Damnit, we aren't the Mustard City. We're the Flower City, though it was actually originally Flour City (flour mills along the Erie Canal). And we don't have a thermometer museum, but we do have a really great kids' museum (Strong Museum of Play - they're the ones behind the video game hall of fame that AVC had an

And it's been roughly 20 years since I started using MrPlow99 as a screen name on various websites

Pence is a robot? Well, that explains why the AHCA bill can be summed up as "Kill all the humans."