
McConnell is the reason we have Gorsuch instead of Garland. That puts him well ahead of Ryan.

Woohoo, glad to hear it. This season has been pretty fantastic

Clearly I cannot choose the cake in front of me.

Aren't you afraid Brimley won't be able to have brownies on account of the diabeetus?

It's just a Newswire article, you should really just relax.

I picked up a single bottle of that in the make-your-own 6-pack section at Wegmans. Haven't had it yet.

It makes me nauseous and I've never smoked. (-:

Local government is less costly to bribe, that's why Republicans are so in favor of more local government control.

I see SHIELD is continuing to throw shade at Trump by having an evil all-powerful person with the emotional maturity of a toddler in last night's episode.

Why would you want to keep a Coke company?

No, it's an acronym. He's a doctor with the World Health Organization.

Profit motivation is also why outcome-based healthcare won't get much of a foothold here.

Profit motivation is why healthcare in the US is bad compared to other countries. You want to reduce healthcare costs (and not just out-of-pocket costs)? Get rid of the for-profit insurance industry and switch to single-payer.

This bill will make healthcare much more expensive for the bottom 40% of Americans in order to feed hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top 1%. Please set us straight on how that's not at all evil.

Eh, my guess is this guy had the hoodie zipped up when asking for the photo, and then unzipped it right before the photo was taken.

The framers actually thought the electoral college would help prevent an actual sociopath from winning the presidency. Instead, it has made it happen.

Yeah, it's the physical activity part that I've fallen way behind on over the past year/year and a half.


That's your answer to everything.

I'm not not licking toads!