
Yeah, but then they'll just be accused of being a "community organizer" by right-wingers.

But they'll frame it as "moochers who can work but won't so that they can get free stuff." I read a post on FB last night that was pretty much exactly that.

I read some people are planning on being cremated and having their ashes sent to Paul Ryan in honor of the vote

They aren't begging for government funding, you troll. They provide a service to people who are on Medicaid, and they expect reimbursement from the government for services provided under Medicaid, as they should. Go troll somewhere else.


It's just a little airborne; it's still good.

"The ACA has too many provisions for covering people. Please eliminate 3.

"Come back later - 'baitin!"

Orchestra concert Monday night went really well. Today for the college orchestra I play in, we're getting together on the quad to signal the end of classes by playing the finale of 1812 Overture. It's the kind of thing that's really short unless you're a percussionist. We have to spend about an hour before/after

Meh this shit

Nice username / comment synergy

I'm usually a solo guy.

People suck.

Taylor Fladgate 20 year port for me, please.

Sponsored spam: how else will you find out about making tens of thousands of dollars per month working from home?

You know, sometimes there are comment threads where it's actually pretty funny when a spambot shows up talking about making $$$ working from home.

After really enjoying the first 2 seasons, I've reacted to this season with more of a shoulder shrug. I don't know if it's because I binged the first 2 seasons on Netflix (not at the same time; I watched S1 on Netflix after S2 had aired but months before it was available on Netflix), as opposed to watching this

SSHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Don't give him ideas. It's possible his advisory staff is not telling him he can veto the CR because they know it would be disastrous.

Right, because Obama personally oversaw the clearance investigation. Fucking trolls…

Nah, wind patterns are much more likely to spread you over the Atlantic.