
I have an orchestra concert Monday night (if it seems like I'm saying I have concerts all the time, it's because I play in several different groups). Among other things, we're doing Symphonic Dances from West Side Story, which has a ridiculous amount of percussion. I play a tom-tom part that is very exposed in

The Doctor. Hands down.

Hell, these days they'll let a misogynist, megalomaniacal, narcissist conman bully be president.

Another business-killing regulation we can all do without.

He's no Abe Froman, that's for sure.

That's the episode that won me over on nuWho. I didn't watch it when it first aired, but I caught most of S1 on a Syfy marathon a couple years later (when S3 was currently airing). To be honest, it wasn't even the mystery, though that was cool. It was the almost maniacal glee from the Doctor when he realized he

"Are you my mummy?"

That's just weird. I'd have gone with Brandy.

Agree, I came here to post the same thing. Absolutely fantastic musical cues, switching from the bombastic superhero-accompanying music to the quiet music as the camera cuts away from the superhero to zoom in on a bystander, whose actor's name then shows up.

And after catching the thief, he killed him, cut out his heart and ate it.

I mean, Savitar is future Barry, right? So he's trying to kill himself?

I see nobody's been able to shoot holes in his pick.

I hope you all made a dismissive wanking motion.

It is time, Frodo.

An orchestra I'm in is playing Symphonic Dances from West Side Story a week and a half from now. Maybe we can get Bill Murray to show up and do a reading!

Ooh, which 3 states will we eliminate?

If you take away all the illegals, tons more people attended this WH visit than Obama's 2 years ago. — Donald Trump, probably

For Pandemic Legacy, what you want to do is get 4 people to chip in for a quarter of the cost each, and that's the group of 4 you have play each session. We did that, getting 8 people total (2 groups of 4; we bought 1 blue & 1 red copy).
Of course, all 8 of us work together & did it as lunchtime game sessions.

Let's just say it was in everyone's best interest to finish quickly.

I saw them in concert several years ago opening for No Doubt. I actually liked them better than No Doubt.