
That's what I was thinking too, that it's been ranged around $101 to $103 before, though that was the price of parts. There are other costs that are factored into hardware production, especially assembly and distribution. I suppose that would depend on what kind of deal Nintendo has with Foxconn for producing their

This is what I've been wondering since the price drop. With their history of making profit off hardware sales from the outset, such a drastic price drop would either imply that they're now posting a loss per sale or that the cost of the 3DS to manufacture was always a great deal lower than the sale price. Too bad they

Other than the Kid Icarus remark (I actually would like to try it out, very much so), I'd have to agree at this point, and also wonder if maybe releasing the system unto the world so soon was the right idea. I understand the need to fill a void from dwindling Wii sales and get a leg up on Sony's system, but maybe, in

I know, right? Demon's Crest was easily one of my favorite old-timey spinoff series in the SNES days. Suppose he makes a good foil to Arthur's presence, even if both are heroes at this point. Would like to see what those two say to each other, though, should be funny dialogue.

Ahhhhhhh damnit. This makes me sad. What is worse is that it will sour many people on Capcom, what with the diehard fans that have been asking for this game for years. If Sega and Square-Enix have learned the hard way about angering the fan base of core franchises, Capcom will get a dose of that now. Not that they

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May I suggest Sanrio look into acquiring the rights to Hello Kitty's reverse-image alternative, Gloomy Bear? He's got the cute factor of Hello Kitty with the human-mauling violence that modern culture seems to crave! It's like Hello Kitty for an angrier market. Seriously, though, Gloomy Bear is awesome.

Hmm... it's tough to argue that. Suppose if things go lawless there will have to be some defenses, lest the place go all Thunderdome. Damn you, Armageddon-based resource value increases!

Only way to go about it without saving up over a loooong period is to use the cheat codes. "Prontipsguzardo" was one of them I believe, as was "fund" for an instant $10,000 cash influx. The first could give you all unlockables immediatley. Check out, that game had a ton of fun codes. Just typing in "joke"

H. R. Gieger-ology?

You could get the Arcologies to lift off into space in all but DOS versions 1.00 and 1.01. Once you put 400 Launch Arcologies down it should happen. I think the problem with the original DOS version was that the Arcologies max out at a certain number wherein the next placed one causes the first placed Arcology to

I visited Arcosanti last year with a friend. It is a beautiful place in the desert 100 some odd miles north of Phoenix. The use of movable walls to funnel cooling wind or trap heat in the summer was impressive. The premise behind it's creation and the idea of the arcology is that we've built a modern world that is

My battle of choice as well. Not so much because I despise the guy, but there has to be some retribution in line for that ad at some point. Or maybe the retribution was Daikatana's reception. ... Eh, fight on.

The idea of over-exposure and over-celebrated is a natural phenomenon of success. When you become as big a part of the mainstream consciousness and sell as many albums as both bands have, they will be referenced more and cited more often. It happens to this day with radio play, where a song will become so ingrained

I think the argument can be made in that line of view, but it is central to the popularity of the acts. As far as hits go I'll concede that much, as the Velvet Underground were not a hit-song-oriented group and did not have a large catalog by their end. However, as far as influence and iconic status, The Velvet

Aye... although the first thing you posted could be seen as a "mainstream is passe" type of phrase, the whole hipster name-calling is getting a bit ludicrous, and a catch-all term. It's almost as obnoxious as the idea of what a hipster is at this point to go around looking at opinions and saying 'hipster.' Just like

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In the ever-present debate of "Stones or Beatles," I choose to go with The Velvet Underground. It's like the third option that always gets written in invisible ink.

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This is likely how a number of people reacted to this. Or they just smiled. One of those.

At least they're willing to talk it out with their customers after seeing the reaction. Wish more companies took this approach.

I'd say it's one thing to be so harsh on Michael Bay films. You don't usually go in looking forward to the plot as much as explosions and crazy effects, ie: cool robots fighting with massive plot holes for a story. Doesn't make them necessarily "everything wrong with movies," but there will be many who would rather