If they're making an ongoing Team Fortress animated series it'll be a dream come true.
I'd say that the community of active gamers is becoming a lot like the community surrounding other media: always ready to scrutinize. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing; it leads to a lot of great observation, which in turn hopefully to ingenuity on the part of developers. However, it also has bred the same…
I agree with the proliferation of adversity. However, I do not agree with the eschewed "excuses" over "reasons." I think that societal pitfalls are a case-by-case basis, and though their prevalence may allow to look at it that way, looking at the obstacles people face as things that they are whining about when brought…
No, probably not in this instance. It probably would have been a tame encounter and both sides could have come out of it on the positive. I'm more highlighting that this type of mentality gets ingrained in people that have to deal with subjugative environments. It's a pervasive feeling, that putting your toe in the…
I'll go on record as stating that, in my personal life and the spotty meanderings of a professional life, I've witnessed the danger of women standing up against inequality, misogyny, or blatant sexism. This is not as easy of a field as most men think it is. In the workplace there is so much in the way of negative…
Maybe this'll be a strange thought (it sounds strange thinking it...), but I don't think all stereotypes carry the same baggage. And I don't mean that from the "good stereotype" of something encompassing a positive collective trait, but more that she is highlighting a stereotype not as a defensive mechanism but more…
I don't think that was meant as an insult or to use a stereotype as much as something that is pretty common. Women get shamed and put into a position where, if they were to speak up to the shit they put up with, it would lead to negative consequences for them. It's part of what I thought going into the first article,…
I've been noticing this too, ie: starred commenters who either speak with a harsh, instigating tone, promote / say very troll-worthy things, or generally have little respect for the opinions of others. I've never held the star as an indication of privilege, but rather and indication that someone has been able to…
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Hmm... my guess is, if ActiBlizz was for sale, it would be a huuuuuge media company making that acquisition. If the Universal / News Corp (aka FOX) / Time-Warners of the world wanted to broaden their stakes in the increasingly lucrative gaming world, a buyout of a major existing gaming company seems logical. Warner…
Hmm... that is true. Still, I stand in the direction that if the video game industry wants to be seen as a professional environment that caters to all and not just male libidos, it should not reinforce that with near-naked women pushing their products at industry events. Jobs are important, and, yes, everyone could…
They could always use the money that isn't spent on booth babes to hire more exhibitors who are versed in what games/hardware are being displayed and what points of those wares to highlight. Basically still someone to exhibit the game, except they would be fully clothed.
Oh, wow, this may turn out to be the best video game movie of all time! Not that the bar is particularly high on that one. Besides all the up-front references, there are a smorgasbord of cameos throughout. It seems like the creators really know their source material well.
Oh, yes, I know the gradual degradation of what the word dubstep has stood for. I'd pose a similar argument to what has become of emocore over the last stretch, a vast departure from the originators. I use the term "dubstep" here in the current generic movie-trailer-filler form, though, as it is seemingly ubiquitous…
If it's a retrun to 1980's Cameron sci-fi, then sure, why not. If it's Titanic/Avatar graphics-hounding, I'd be less supportive.
Some games are rushed out the door to meet deadlines, as delays are costly. However, other factors are greater game complexity, a greater focus on online play (lots can go wrong in that arena), and an increasing reliance on patches. Not all bugs can ever be caught, but gamers would be shocked at the amount that are…
Call me old-fashioned, but bring on a bunch of no-names for the leads and I'll be fine. There is so much talent out there that gets subverted by big stars. Of course, stars do draw in viewers, but with something like this I'd hope it wasn't a prerogative.
Though the sheer number of versions is madness at this point, I am always grateful for at least the director's cut. The butchering (okay, maybe a bit strong of a way of putting it...) of the intentions that studio's put on directors and writers will always be beyond me. Yeah, 'profit' and such, and I'd imagine that…
You know, between this bit of news and the way Prometheus is looking, I'm cautiously optimistic with these new updates to linchpin classic stories. Hearing of both of these new films a few years ago I had the exact opposite inclination, ie: there is always danger in tarnishing a good thing by going back and…