Hell, I'm all for more game-based CG or animated movies in general. It seems an easier transition for the forms of media than live action movies tend to be.
Hell, I'm all for more game-based CG or animated movies in general. It seems an easier transition for the forms of media than live action movies tend to be.
Got to play War for Cybertron for a bit when it was released, and that game was great. This may be one of those rare games that is not just a good movie licensed game, but where the game is actually better than the movie it was licensed from.
I'm in the camp that says that avoiding piracy is not a possibility at this point, thus DRM should not go into the territory of adversely restrictive. Which is to say, you can try all you want to lock a game out from potential piracy, but other than locked systems like the PS3, it doesn't last forever, and even that…
Hey, neat! I actually dig this art style, as opposed to a bunch of others on here. It looks almost a bit cell-shaded, and in parts reminds me of Samurai Jack, Gendy Tartakovsky's cartoon before doing the Star Wars: Clone Wars stuff. Not on that caliber of course. It's that type of style I dug so much about Zelda:…
One of the worst moves I ever made was selling my SNES and all games for $100 in 1997. And these weren't throwaway games, mind you, they were the likes of Final Fantasy 3, Chrono Trigger, and at least ten others, a heartbreaking list. Enterprising souls could probably make that much and more off of those two games…
Sounds like someone needs to cast their vote for Proposition Infinity! O_O
Oh yeah, that was a huge missed opportunity, it and it's female-led sequel (forget the name of that one...). Ninja Gaiden ended up doing that formula far better.
Gaaah... GAAAAH! This has to happen! Someone get Ward set up with a dev studio! His idea of Katamari graphics is an apt description for the show as it is, too. It really is like watching some kind of psychedelic fantasy land that tosses out shallowly hidden adult humor. I'd be shocked with some of the stuff they get…
There are many articulate people willing to actually have discussions about issues, from the quality of CoD and beyond. It just too often takes sifting through a mountain of people who chose to communicate by tossing around verbalized poop. -__-
Hah, I'd never go to that extreme. Too timid to even go about the prank phone call route. Reading about something like this past-tense would be guilt inducing enough, but participating in the act of robo-deception takes moxy. And not the good kind of moxy.
More videos, video game themed or not, should feature Smooth Jazz clubs filled with cats.
I don't know, it could have been a very sexy credit card-stealing, spyware-installing AIMbot. Should've checked her/it out! O_O
Oh, so much seething hate in here... so I'll address that and the game.
Someone sent me to the first video link earlier today and I was all, "Another romantic comedy, meh, think I'll go and HOLY CRAP IT'S THE MUPPETS! YEAH! YEAAAAAAH!!!" :flipped over chair:
This. I loved the look and gameplay of all the Ecco games, including the DC one, but couldn't for the life of me beat them. The DC one I didn't even get halfway through before getting lost in some maze of strange tunnels. Beautiful game, confusing as all hell.
Well, that just about covers the bases. Only one I'd add to this would be the ahead-of-it's-time-hilarious (and unfortunately titled), "Seaman." May be hard to find at this point with the microphone, though. Featuring the voice of Leonard Nimoy!
A comment above contains a 720p version, which is quite impressive: [kotaku.com]
Their submission page for music goes into the details: [www.opensparkproject.com]
The Open Spark Project is good, too. They take submissions from musicians to work the Tesla Coils into their songs. Mashup DJ Girl Talk even gave them the MIDI files from his last album for the first section of this part, featuring a lot of famous riffs. Guess that implies it is all automated based on computer sound…