
Oooh, excellent. Hope the PSP catalog will expand to a great degree, or at least cover some of the awesome niche titles beyond just the big hits. I want to get a PS3 at some point, and was debating on whether to get a cheap PSP in the NGP run-up, particularly for Peace Walker and few others. Hope these sell well and

Funny you should mention Odin Sphere, just beat that on my nice, 10-year-old PS2 a couple of days ago after it sitting on the shelf for ages. It's worth it, you may just have to grind a bit and raise health by doing some cooking. Oh, and make plenty of Elixirs for the end. MANY, MANY ELIXIRS.

I'll agree with that, except with changing the "punch to the face" with "pie to the face." Aaaand cue epic, conciliatory food fight.

Agreed. I had interest in trying out this game at some point, but that all flew out the window with this bologna. Which sucks because a lot of people put a lot of work into the game, and from what I've heard it has flaws but is not all that terrible. When a company goes out of its way to retaliate against opinions

People have been belittling others to raise their own self esteem forever. It's a sad state of being, and Internet anonymity tends to give that behavior a boost. It doesn't just extend to the things people say, it's this outright need to castigate the different to compensate for some dead part of the soul. It is a

LEGO Turret Song. Make it happen, enterprising nerd culture!

Wow, that's an awesome collection. Is that it Nintendo-wise or is this just part of a more complete set? You could fill a cabinet with the 8- and 16-bit console variations.

Aye, TV news loves some good sensationalizing. It's a sad state that the investigative side of journalism isn't exhausted for stuff like this before going to air. But then, $$$. :o

That's the kind of level-headed outlook that makes sense after taking a step back and examining most situations like this.

Exactly. Although I could see how this could affect someone, it's coming from the perspective of villainy. On top of that, Chell is an awesome survivor who perseveres through constant trials. Doesn't that make her a positive role model? This seems like more of a good reason to talk with a child instead of go to the

That guy was a legend. His Flickr account is a must-see for Gradius or LEGO fans:

I'd say that many games are enjoyable from the perspective of a spectator on some level. This is especially true when multiplayer comes into the picture: it becomes direct competition, which is competition driven. It parallels sports without the physical action, although even that is part of the entertainment when it

Man I love that site, and you learn a ton from things like the Super Turbo series about how to play.

Never played it? Don't have a DS to play the slightly updated version? Then do, DO get this.

I'd recommend all of the Bit.Trip games. They are a bit expensive, and that 3DS compilation in the pipelines sounds like a good option if one were to get a 3DS, but they all have some major good times in them.

Hello, fellow nostalgia hound! :D That's the trouble with getting older, there just isn't as much time for games that you could easily put 100+ hours into and to do the myriad other things that fill up the days. Suppose that is just the way of the world. One thing I've taken to is just watching some bits and pieces

Aye, was kind of shocked Hulk UD didn't make that list. That game fits in well with the best of the Spider Man games.

The last two were great: the former as gratifyingly nonsensical, and the latter for its historical accuracy.

I'd buy that (for a dollar)! Actually, that type of name would work well for a Square-Enix game and it wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. I'm looking at you, Kingdom Hearts games.

He's not just rich, he's hobo rich. And that, sirs and madams, is as rich as it gets! ;_;