
To be honest, the bigger Sonic games of the past ARE my perfect Sonic games: Sonic 2, 3+Knuckles, and Sonic CD. I realize it's in Sega's best interest to try to make money off of new games and continue a franchise even as it produces titles on a range from mediocre to passably fun. However, I've given Sonic to the

I do, too. Especially the controllers. Especially the controllers. The whole thing makes me think of the mythical "Dreamcast 2" that pops into my dreams from time to time. See, best name ever there.

The greatest of the greatest (in my opinion) is still getting to Ganon in both the first and second quests of the original Legend of Zelda. Oh yes, it's possible! Another impressive feat would be not picking up any Heart Containers in that game. There are plenty of times where it requires no-hit boss fights like that.

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My only hope would be that Treyarch would have the good sense to reference this song or its incredible spinoff movie in the level Convoy. Kris Kristofferson would be pleased.

Oh sure, it LOOKS fun. Then you go to play it, it disappears, and one of these guys drops out of the sky and cuts you in half. Damn you, ninja deception!

Interesting that today sees the awkward results of two open-ended marketing attempts (Portal 2's Potato Promotion being the other). But see, this is more of an "EA was asking for this" type of situation. It's the Internet, where a bunch of anonymous vote-makers can band together to be disruptive over polls ranging

I agree with part of this prognosis, in that it does, at this point, seem a bit devious or at the least dissapointing. Not that it isn't the first tick in that direction, as for some that would come in at things like releasing Left4Dead 2 a year after the first game, or the turning of Team Fortress 2 items into a

Yep, sadly all that exists now is Pibb Xtra, the EXTREEEEME new version of Mr. Pibb. That guy is still cool, but not as quaint as his original, more "willing to chill on a couch" variety.

Oh, he went to college. But it was a Creative Writing Bachelors that serves very little use to his career aspirations.

So... beautiful... ;_;

Now all that has to happen is an anime introduction to the superior taste-ation of Mr. Pibb. The soft drink that doesn't NEED a degree to quench the thirst of the average man!

I can confirm that Mr Pibb could be found in rare can-form in the SF Bay Area. Safeway seemed to have it at a few locations, and it can be found at a number of fine restaurants and taquerias. And, yes, all hail Mr. Pibb. He is the soft drink that makes no claims to doctoral superiority.

I hear that Dr Pepper got his PhD from a clown college. All hail Mr. Pibb, soft drink of the regular man!

The old MIDI and 8/16-bit synths are still awesome sounding, in both nostalgia factor and aural capacity. Games like Final Fantasy 6 pushed the extremes of that era's music quality in games. The fact that they're used more and more in popular music is a testament to it.

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This came to mind. Hell, I'd dig an "all percussive Game Boy cover" of it.

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If Jobs were to even THINK of going for those narwhals, he'd better watch his balls. Nobody messes with the unicorn Jedi of the sea. NO ONE.

Alluding more to human turmoil and uncertainty. Public spending after disasters tends to fall sharply on non-essential items. It's happening in Japan, though things are not at a standstill by any means. Also, a great deal of people lost their homes and livelihoods, thus having priorities that supersede getting a 3DS.

Too early to call, but I think the 3DS will pick up steam again when more of the big name titles on the horizon are released. Right now the lineup is sparse and the next month doesn't hold a lot of clout either. If anything this reminds me of the N64 launch, though not quite as harsh. That suffered a lot of selling

Oh PLEASE don't cease and desist this, Sega! Though I don't think they will what with how the Sonic HD Remix situation has gone. In fact, wouldn't it just be wise for Sega to employ these people and harness the awesome of their respective games? COME ON, SEGA, the people are getting what they want through outside