
Which is what makes you a complete success. Congraturation, a winner is you!

That I can agree with. It's hit or miss. However, given how it is one of the comics that is video game centric to the core, I'd like it to stick around for the good times it does bring.

They were all charmingly awesome. Except for "CONGRATURATION THIS STORY IS HAPPY END." Having played through Ghosts 'n Goblins in its entirety to get that was a kick to the Dodongos.

It was great this week, and I dig the concept. It hasn't been as entertaining of late, though. This one tickled the nostalgia funny bone. Ma boy.

Whaaaaaaat? I found it quite hilarious this week. Damn you alternate Nintendo CD-i world!

While I feel your pain ($30 is too rich for my currently empty bank account), it isn't all that surprising. This is a limited run that comes with an exclusive and quite-swank piece of art. If they had the means to make more, or perhaps the reason to, a lower price might make more sense / be possible. As it stands,

Or at least the realization that quantifying the world is not the be-all-end-all to giving it value. There are plenty of things that can't be put as well into a rating format, and plenty of things that can be rated as such but without telling the whole story. A system of classification will always have uses but also

If you heard a loud crashing sound, it was my jaw hitting the floor. Or a mech breaking through your ceiling. One of those. I'm keeping my eye on this game, hope it plays as amazing as it looks.

My guess as to why this even exists? The good 'ol go to answer of $$$. Or maybe money through influence. But I agree, it is a bit sickly for a media review aggregating site to rate an individual's artistic track record with a score-based system, especially when there is so much of a gray area in regards to what those

Don't forget, these devices are put together on the cheap, as in cheap manufacturing labor of questionable means. I actually don't have a problem with the overall price: it's new and innovative, and Nintendo could charge what they want if they think people will buy it for that price. Also, considering R&D and

Oh, I honor the person who buys these hats. They are classy indeed. However, it's war! I'll show my honor by taking that hat and head off the body with my Half-Zatoichi. Besides, it pops right back on, hat and all.

American malls could use more of this. All we get is Hot Dog on a Stick and that creepy trenchcoat guy hanging around outside the Gap.

They've popped up here and there, Arcade Infinity being one of those places.

Nega Scott eats chopped up pieces of Evil Ryu and Oni for breakfast. He has a cereal of such, because he is awesome and evil.

As far as game saves that may be, but with checkpoint re-deaths it's happened to me in CoD4, W@W, and MW2. With the first two, live grenade at my feet that either kills me or severely damages me, which is a no-go in Veteran mode. In MW2, second to last level where you breech and need to clear soldiers without setting

I'd go get you one if it wasn't raining today. It's the rounded co-op robot standing on the left of a black background, Portal 2 title in the middle, and the logo seen above. The robot is holding the portal gun and has the same posture as the icon.

Save Anywhere is great, but it leads to A LOT of trouble in the structure of a game. It can lead to a metric ton of bugs (say, Fallout 3) when the restrictions are too lenient or the placement precarious. Of course, checkpoints provide the same troubles. Play any Call of Duty game from 2 on, and there is a high

Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue if everyone had a Portal gun? Besides the inevitable hazard deaths, it would take crime to whole new levels of nefariousness.

The Bully failed to jump backwards and continuously throw fireballs. Of course, L. Zangief would have got in with Banishing Flats and Lariats eventually...