
MS may be covered by their on-box wording, but this is slimy as all hell. How do you have the biggest new game on your system not compatible with all of the systems available? Granted the 4GB system is limited from the start, but that's just ridiculous. Hope more people research that the $200 system is a piece of junk

@Danza: Spies sappin' ma Chime codes...

Suda taking on Hell, ey? Cautious optimism. Oh, and pictures 2 and 5 look incredible, even if they look more concept arty than screen shoty.

Sounds... interesting.

@Garci: Promotion because it's The Kinks, damnit.

@Mad-Hobo: The post button is sticky. If something appears to fail to post, it usually has been posted, then the second press doubles it up. :\ Editing is funky right now as well.

I'll chime in if I get one.

I'll chime in if I get one.

She's stark ravin' mad!

Anyone else get the sense that Sega is just taking a random zombie apocalypse game set in Japan and tying it into one of its established franchises? If so... that's some savy marketing there, Sega. -__-

Marvin Fieldgoal must kill 51 other demons to become the number one demon! On a motorcycle!

@Wirbelwind: To be fair, it's pretty much how the guy interacts with the world on a regular basis at this point. :o

Methinks that Ozzie Guillen is going to have a polite conversation with this guy. And by "polite conversation" I of course mean expletive-filled awesome tirade.

@Chewblaha: It takes guts to do say that, my friend.

Psychic children with transformative powers are fun to watch.

@jeremycole: But then nobody does much of anything truly original. Everything is patterned after something before it. Video games have taken that to an extreme, as has music. Daft Punk's sound is the result of decades of influence.

@SG79: Sony's ambitions with the PSP were ignored by the public more than I expected. The thing really does have a lot of functions, but some of them weren't easily accessed until it was too late. Apple had the "in" that the iPod had made possible, then put a phone into it and made it a mini-comp. It was their name

@Bubbleman!: It was an idea ahead of it's time. PC-FX I feel sad for because the PC Engine was so awesome. But it goes to show, making a system successful around the competition that exists sure is an uphill battle. Isn't that right, Mr. N-Gage?

@EolirinX: That is true: the implications of Apple being successful, and the iPhone being used to play games on more and more, are bad for Nintendo and Sony. Unfortunately, that is the world of free market competition, where survival necessitates adaptation.

@Bubbleman!: Can and most likely have taken a chunk of the gaming market. The only difference is that Apple hasn't made a product with the primary function of playing games. At least, not recently: []