
By that same token, the PC is the most popular home gaming platform of all time. And that's the key is that few people would by an iProduct solely to play games on. By that line of thought, how many people buy a DSi to browse the Internet or take pictures with? This is one instance where statistics can exist but are

Oh, they're in the game all right. It just went on test in Osaka a few days ago, and people have been playing as Yun and Yang for that long. Hope they bring them to a home console update, then add a few more. Come on, Alex!

That is one classy commercial. Pretty much says everything that needs to be said about the impact of Mario in thirty seconds.

@Zecomm: Wonder what Daft Punk thinks of the commercial. I mean, the music sounded like it could have been lifted from any of their albums. But I suppose that's a good thing, because those are GOOD ALBUMS.

@Interstella: The resemblance is uncanny, not just for the music. Take off the Ball Heads and replace them with robotic-style motorcycle helmets... BAM! Daft Punk.

I can finally refer to someone as Ball-Face and not feel remotely guilty about it.

It looks good. Does it play good? That's what will count more than anything.

That... that's hot. Video game nerd hotness. O_O

That's a sad story of deteriorating mental health after a tragedy. The video game addiction may have stemmed from avoidance of dealing with her own depressive symptoms, at the cost of responsibilities at home. People need help before they get to points like this, though it really has to be sought and not forced on

@magictroll: None taken, it was quite half-assed and done in Paint since my Photoshop isn't up and running currently. In that regard, I stand by the resemblance. Conspiracy!

Duke resumed his normal undercover role of Queen Elizabeth II of England. Oddly, nobody has noticed. Long live the Queen.

@GohanEgret: If I owned either system it would totally get my money. The iPod Touch version will have to suffice. :\

Wow, Eliza should get a divorce. If Ken is willing to toss Peach around like a sack of potatoes, it doesn't bode well for their relationship. And don't go off on how he has to fight the likes of Chun Li and Juri all the time, they are trained martial artists. O_O

@agwazhere: Agreed. The big downfall of having strictly one service provider for dedicated servers is the international community. There are countries that GameServers does not operate in, therefore leaving holes in service to those areas. It is a step up in quality of service and compromises most likely had to be

@djricekcn: Matchmaking will still be intact and still free, but now there is an option to host dedicated servers so that you can scroll through a list and pick a game to play in. You wouldn't have to pay to join those servers, only to host one on an ongoing basis.

@MonkeyChunks: There is matchmaking on Treyarch servers just like the console versions alongside the option to join dedicated servers, so you would have both options. As for having a moderator, that can be hit or miss in terms of power-tripping, but it isn't to hard to find a good long-term server in online games with

@GhostRaven: Wish I could run it on my current PC for that reason alone. The MOD scene on CoD4 is badass.

Good that dedicated servers are an option so that moderation of servers is now at least a possibility. Bad that it is only one network that gets to host these dedicated servers. I understand that there are probably logistics of it for stat tracking, but it gives off the impression that Activision is fine with