
Mental note: playing an ocarina looks like good times until you burst into flames. O_O

@Paul Bourassa: Treble and Bass would be cool. Kind of bummed that X won't be in it. Mega Man is great and all, but I'd dig a more badass-looking version of him, the Capcom side is heavy loaded with cute-ish characters, as you mentioned.

@Cptn.Rhodes: I don't blame you. This is a franchise that was asking to be made into an awesome movie, and it got butchered and turned into a loose-tie-in action fest. Now in 3D!

@RobotGhoul: Aww... well by now I suppose it couldn't hurt to just burn a copy from a torrent. I'm not advocating piracy, it's just that the game isn't at retail except in second-hand form. Then again, if Sega would pick it for an XBL/PSN update...

@slash000: Posted it up top but now that I see you're here:

From's interview with Randy Pitchford yesterday:

I miss you so much, Dreamcast. No, wait, I don't, because you're sitting under my TV right in front of me with SF3:3S inside. :D The legend lives on, even if the body has died.

The Kobun shall represent! Hope the Mega Man love continues. I'd be down for Zero.

Fightris? That's a cool twist. It's like if Tetris and Contra had a freaky love child.

@bokscutter: Thank you much, and nice icon. Gives me even more faith that you know what you're talking about. ;)

@Thoughtwanderer: Mickey became a franchise icon and Disney decided they couldn't afford to have him appearing in certain ways. It frustrated many, and some even went to show a different side of Mickey when it seemed that his image was being altered: []

@Raso719: But that's just it: Mickey, like Disney him/itself, have had two sides over their history. The game calls back to the very beginnings of the Disney universe, with the main villain being the toon that preceded Mickey as Disney's centerpiece. Mickey was actually quite the unruly prankster in the early days.

@Dave-Farquhar: Thanks! When I save up the money will give it a go.

@Cloud_Hiro: You and many others. I only got mine used after the Dreamcast had come and gone. There are some seriously great but hard to find games on there, particularly the Panzer Dragoon series and NiGHTS. One of these days I'll splurge and get a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga...


I've been interested in getting an SSD for awhile now, as my brother uses one and the performance looks phenomenal. While I'm sure they are great for gaming, my primary concern is multitasking sound applications, so I wonder: would it be wise to put my OS and a few sound editing programs on a SSD, then have a regular

Price was one of many giant issues with the PSPGo. They chose to keep around the older UMD system; had they priced the Go cheaper than that, even if by a small margin, they would have sold far more of the devices. Had they made a UMD transfer kit, way more would have been sold.

@KingFaisal: It was the price in comparison to the PSP with a UMD drive. Essentially you lose a major part of the system, especially considering the number of games that were on the market already, both new and used, and you have to pay more for it.

This unemployed student gave them $2, because stuff like this is MEANT TO HAPPEN.