@Toshi: They totally would get right on that, but they are too fatigued.
@Toshi: They totally would get right on that, but they are too fatigued.
@Spiffyness: Flattery will get you... 100% of my love!
@GohanEgret: It usually comes down to fonts, something that developers are always troubled with making legible in different resolutions and aspect ratios. It would be good to have some kind of technical requirement for that, so as games like Mass Effect 2 are developed with it in mind from the get-go. Testers write…
@GohanEgret: Nothing's shocking anymore, but yeah, the likelihood of no HD in the Wii successor seems next-to-nothing. Then again, who is to say that a new home console would even need a TV? Maybe Nintendo will be the first to try the frightening "beam it into your eye/brain" concept. With that in mind, I really do…
@igloochan: Yeah, the idea of a Wii HD is a pipedream for that very reason. Lacking HD in the first place was probably a mistake, though it also was most likely useful in keeping initial costs down. I've never thought it likely to see a new HD-using Wii come out, and doubt that one ever would for the reasons you…
You're right. I tend to be a sweaty 30 year old in a Sonic Youth t-shirt.
With the way their portables perform, the 3DS should easily keep them afloat until then, even if the bottom drops out on Wii hardware and software sales. Hopefully it will have HD added by that time. It may not be an imperative today and they may have gotten away with it this generation in spite of increasing anger,…
I don't know what brings more amazement to my brain: that the Google Android looks like a counterpart in a Gauntlet game or learning about a Gauntlet game that lets you be a robot, samurai, or nerd in battle! :o
Sad story indeed, lot's of tragedy all around. Hope all turns out okay for the wife and unborn child especially. It's kind of a lesson in responsibility: the choices we make and actions we take, whether we're aware of them or not, affect others around us, and sometimes it isn't worth waiting for tragedy to become…
@Young-King-Ady: You've pointed out the biggest plot hole in all of Alien-dom with that one.
@KaMai: What he said. Sometimes it's good to slow down. ;)
@Young-King-Ady: I think this hand placement is less a strategic attack maneuver, and more of a "grab anything you can out of hysteric futility because you're about to get jabbed in the face by an extendo-jaw" reaction.
Other than the Alien prequel that Scott Ridley is supposed to be doing (on the fence with that concept as it is), this is to me the future of the Alien franchise. It's basically our chance to experience the world of Aliens, surviving against a creature that can move as a swarm through every crack in a wall and then…
@deuxhero: That I know, but it sure couldn't hurt things. Clearer visuals, especially in HD, so that you can see where you are easier. Always a troubling state of affairs in saturation shooters / bullet hell games.
Oi, that's hot. Clearly a game that will benefit from HD and more processing power. If it has MP and the ability to upload and share created levels, it could be extra special.
@Uhkneeho: Aye, they are more timing- and reflex-intensive puzzlers than action games. There can be a steep learning curve for some, though; when you have hundreds of missiles coming at you, it's intimidating.
@WalnutSoap: Something tells me Mom is beating Tingle to death with a shovel upon first appearance.
@seepheart: GENIUS.
@mrpibb79: PS: PLEASE get Aliens: Colonial Marines done at some point. Don't be letting that become a DNF. :o
This gives me untold respect for Pitchford and Gearbox. Borderlands was already an incredible title proving their abilities, but this level of dedication and passion, the willingness to go out on a limb, is impressive. Kudos and much luck with DNF.