@hurda7: One of many options: [www.instructables.com]
@hurda7: One of many options: [www.instructables.com]
@Jackstick: DS version will be a 2D Sonic game by Dimps and not the Wii's Sonic Team version. Dimps tends to make great 2D Sonic games, so it is a good sign.
Looks like the daytime levels from Sonic Unleashed, aka: the good part of the game. Stick with that, Sega. DON'T GO FOR A GIMMICK. But please get DIMPS to get Sonic 4 out the door soon, that is what the people want to see, ya know?
Didn't think it would be so, but yeah, I'm excited to see this game in action. The fact that they worked the 12 years of development debacle into the intro level makes me think they have the humor down. To be honest, that's what I really care about: this is the anti-serious, anti-realistic FPS. Will it be the "best…
He's real! He's really, really real! ;_;
@JGab: That's what I was thinking. How much of a shelf life does Duke Nukem really have? Classic series, but that was a decade ago. :\
@Whooped.D.Dew: Then consider me a weirdo. I put the Konami Code in me Cornflakes! :o
INCREDIBLE. And the fact that it's basically the Konami Code makes it even better.
It's like Monster Hunter, but now with more ^__^ and O__O
Ah, didn't see this happening, but it's interesting to see nonetheless. I'm not for censorship, and though this isn't technically censorship, it is a precedent. My guess is the military doesn't want to appear as endorsing sale of a game that would let their own soldiers play as the faction in a war they are currently…
All for Alex Kitty and Rorschach Kitty. Master Chief Kitty is the secret weapon that will win the war.
Double posts... no bueno.
This being an MMO... what class of tank is used to tank in World of Tanks?
Amazing game on Dreamcast, classic Treasure level of insane-o difficulty level after a bit. The DS one was marred by some tough play control. Of course, if there is any series that could really use HD in the Treasure stable (besides Sin and Punishment...) it is this, since so many missiles are on screen at once. At…
My favorite type of nut just got even more respectable. ALL HAIL OUR NEW CASHEW OVERLORDS! ;_;
If it wasn't for Valve games and to a probably larger extent their Steam platform, PC gaming would be completely down the drain by now. Microsoft has had little in the way of first-party PC love, and their dealings with game makers to encourage Xbox-centric development hasn't helped matters. Say what you will…
@legendnthemaking: Hmmm... looking at these pages, sold!
@legendnthemaking: Holy moly, how much did that thing cost?!? Must... have... Mega Man.... artbook......
@Altima NEO: Some day, this guy'll walk up to "The Situation" with a big 'ol aluminum bat and show him what the situation REALLY is...
@ChrisPBacon: Don't forget the steel pipes and aluminum bats. Those always help the other side with their thinkin' issues...