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Needs breakdance recognition. But I'm sure that would be to much of a liability risk. :P

@Azndude: If you like video games, garage/punk/indie music, or comics (or any combination thereof), there is a good chance you will enjoy this movie. Especially video games.

Saw the movie a few weeks ago and it is excellent. That being said, it has some major departures from the graphic novel series. It takes place in a fraction of the time, events have been shifted, lots of omissions, and of course far less character development. That all sounds terrible, but the movie is great. It is

Still crossing my fingers for a PC port. This is everything I would want in a Scott Pilgrim game, from the River City Ransom style down to the graphic novel touches (you can call in Knives to do her smokey LOVE attack!)

@SenorKaffee: Indeed. For anyone that loved Gunstar Heroes, this is a must play. There is even a demo available.

@Azures: That may be true, humans could learn a lot through exposure, but if humans weren't around past that exposure, then so much for the whole continuation of the species. I'd like this species to survive in spite of it's cutthroat selfish ways, and there are never any guarantees that survival is possible in all

The threats to humanity staying in one place are too great to ignore. Every once in awhile a huge object falls from the sky and wipes everything out, or global polarity shifts bring about new ice ages. We could prepare ourselves for these events and for our own possible man-made destruction, but in the long term it

Hello Kitty is awesome, I will admit that. But there is a new kid in town... er, Bear. It has the cuteness of Hello Kitty with the predatory hunting instincts of a grizzly bear. It is GLOOMY BEAR, TITAN OF KILLER CUTENESS!

@Michael Dukakis: The only person around for that type of hard work. Of course, I'm talking about Michael Dukakis.

I agree with Luke, more for the sake of how people will view game makers and their medium. Saying "it's just a game" may not be enough for a game of this nature, ie: taking place with combatants in a war that is ongoing. In fact, this answer may come back to haunt EA and DICE if (when?) the inevitable media scrutiny

@Clixx13: Aye, that's what I was thinking. There are plenty of games where you can reenact historical battles, or do violent, sometimes even criminal, acts. This is a war that is still happening, with people still dieing every day. Do I think that is reason enough not to make and publish the game? No, I'm okay with

@Killer Toilet: Or maybe it is the real Michael Dukakis who has hijacked the account from the beloved person who chose to name their account after Michael Dukakis? Maybe the real Michael Dukakis is a lifelong gamer who started observing Kotaku between games and taking photo ops in tanks? Maybe this whole reality we

@Whooped.D.Dew: Depends on your tastes. SSX3 has everything take place on a single giant mountain that you gradually unlock. Preferred SSX2 where you just selected a track and attempted to get a crazy score.

@Whooped.D.Dew: Sold my 360, and about to sell the Wii. Need to save up for stuff, but there is plenty of PC fare to go around.

Scott Pilgrim! DO IT! In fact, buy it on both systems so that it may be possible for a Steam release of the game to be made, by which I may purchase said game! D: Seriously, it's moments like this that Lack of Tech Regret sets in.

@Falconboom: That's a good black mage. Don't forget to see the major motion picture and purchase it's totally awesome soundtrack, both out this week!

@MaximusDM: This guy. He also wants you to know that he will be saying "Booourns" while doing so.

Of course, Tony Hawk: Shred makes the assumption that the Tony Hawk: Ride board was a quality, working product that people enjoyed. Which it TOTALLY WAS, right guys? Right? .... ........ right?

I won't lie, I want to play all of these in an arcade. ESPECIALLY Darius Burst, which looks to be made all the more difficult in having that extra screen space to fill with enemies and bullets. Hopefully a handful of these get imported to the rare arcade that can afford to import them. I can at least almost guarantee

@RickaMayCry: Well over $10,000 each, probably more for anything like MGS that has extra special hardware. That is especially true when you consider many of these games now require multiple cabinets in each location (SF4 is a two-screen game in arcades).