@BigBadHarv: That's what I was thinking. Grant Morrison fan, and while words like the statement above give me some skepticism, I anticipate seeing what comes of these newfound insights on his part.
@BigBadHarv: That's what I was thinking. Grant Morrison fan, and while words like the statement above give me some skepticism, I anticipate seeing what comes of these newfound insights on his part.
Just be thankful that the little Bashcraft's aren't in American public schools. :o
Looks like this Mario is "less stompy, more bitey." Now let's see a zombie SMB mod!
@EnigmaticChemist: That man is dead. Long live the Captain!
@Derik Schneider: It would indeed. It would probably be a pain in the ass to port over SFIV to anything different at this point on the systems it exists on, but 3S has time on its hands. Hope they put a lot of work into the online component.
Zee crossovers, zey are everywhere! It should be interesting to see how both companies handle the other franchise's characters. Tekken fighters aren't nearly as flashy special move-wise, mostly physical attacks instead of fireballs and the like with a few exceptions. Then we get a Tekken world with SF fighters…
Put up Alpha 3 and SF will be well represented on the home systems. The only worry I'd have about an online SF3:3S is the lag. That's a given, but especially with something like a parry, which had a narrow window of response time. If that's slightly off, it could wreak havoc on the game play.
@Jamisu: I'd probably wager that the appeal of SF3 was that it was the most technical of the SF games. SF4 has a deep system of focus cancels, but the addition of super cancels, parrying, and EX moves really stepped up the level of possibilities. And, yes, the ability to parry, once mastered, can make a fighter into a…
Yep, Capcom has destroyed my initial reservations about the first glimpses of the game's graphics. The animation is incredible, and the game is still half a year away.
Holy crapballs, you can be Gonzo?!? Dang, this game is pure win. ;_;
Anyone remember that very old PC Jordan 2 on 2 basketball game from the 90s? I imagine that Jordan will play as well in this as he did in that, ie: you can steal the ball practically every time the other team inbounds and make full court three pointers a good 50 percent of the time. And to that I say... GOOD.…
Something tells me that residents of Utah will not be playing this mode.
Man, these fan-made shorts keep getting better and better. If only a game company would run with one of these groups to truly sanction and serialize a live action take on their works, then maybe we would see the quality type of output that Hollywood consistently fails to deliver.
@Trowble (XBL/PSN): Agreed. She has a fairly unique style, and Sakura needs more of a foil to compete with again instead of just chasing around Ryu.
@greyisokay: Rolento or Sodom, either would be welcomed. But I suspect Rolento, yes, more popular pick.
Someone get some ointment, because Peter Molyneux just got buuuuurned.
@grishnaar: Wouldn't be shocked if there was a version at retail that did this, along with separate releases. Suppose that is up to the ad wizards, though it would make for a good and novel concept. Unless they pull a Pokemon and make it so there is content to be unlocked by owning both, in which case they will be…
@BlackStones: Yep, that's great and all, but unless Snake is CQCing Mega Man and Simon Belmont is canceling out Hadokens with his whip, I will not be satisfied. -___-
@dowingba: And now you know. AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!
Whoo boy... this could be quite great. The only dangerous part is that the two games would in many respects be competing for the same fighting game real estate, 2.5D or 3D aside. Suppose that if they split the earnings equally on both titles it wouldn't matter as much, but if this does turn out to be two separate…