Mel is off his rocker. He is/was so talented, too, it's a damn shame. And where I once thought maybe he was a degenerate, sexist, bigoted alcoholic, it seems more like he's got brain rot from syphilis or something.
Mel is off his rocker. He is/was so talented, too, it's a damn shame. And where I once thought maybe he was a degenerate, sexist, bigoted alcoholic, it seems more like he's got brain rot from syphilis or something.
Threadless just got more of my money, and this time they deserve it more than ever.
Darkstalkers or Rival Schools on the SF4 engine will make a lot of people happy, Capcom. JUST SAYING.
You realize this is the perfect chance for Miyamoto himself to toss a bunch of barrels at Wiebe and Mitchell to discover who the REAL King of Kong is, right? Actually, screw the Hall of Fame part, I'd pay just to watch that.
The ROM hack translation community was a godsend for a lot of people in the 90s when games like FF5 were doomed to lack an English release. It also goes to show the ingenuity of the gaming public and the value of MODing beyond just augmenting game play, adding levels, or new graphics. It also makes me think that…
@The Sentient Meat: It's worth it! It'll save me at the last moment and supply me with Hyper Beam powers!
@Ice_man: Ai, Gamerbee vs Daigo would have been my preferred final, or Vangief. Some variety for once, especially Gamerbee's killer Adon.
With Baby Metroid?!? Totally worth $135!
@data_enabler: Why'd you have to make life a little more painful than it has to be? -_-
Genius! Now if only there was a Paper Zelda series to go along with Paper Mario.
@Alec Garcia: Watching Juicebox play is always fun. It's like he could spaz out any minute, but in a good way.
@kahoona: That was a crazy impressive Adon, it was it was.
And everything was in it's right place. Gamerbee and Vangief were incredible as well, and all competitors played excellent... except for that guy that flipped out when Juicebox beat him. Ya know his Abel Dance is all good fun, right? o_o
@ShinobiRAGE: I would trust you not to choke me, except your name is "ShinobiRAGE" -___-
I want one! Especially now that I know it won't stab me!! :D
The Nintendo Entertainment System. Many of its elements, be it in the games made or peripherals used, still exist today. But, more importantly, if it wasn't for the NES' success, video games may have gone the way of the dodo after Atari's early 80s collapse. Of course, who knows, maybe another company would have…
Activision, someone somewhere is counting up the karma points you are burning away with each power-hungry master stroke you take in putting the boot to your developers. When the day comes and you are deep in the red financially, don't forget all of the potential you have squandered with your slash and burn business…
@Krizstof: They would be right. There are parts that are frightening, especially near the end, and also tear-inducing too. Pixar movies have a lot of depth, and they may target kids but the appeal to adults is definitely there. It will be up to them to make such a decision of content if/when the time comes.
@Alec: I think that I approve... but it will never happen. Pixar doesn't seem to have the angle of making edgy, violent animation. Which is a shame. Of course... PROVE ME WRONG, PIXAR, PLEASE. :)
So.... beautiful.... ;_; Somehow I think this is advantage Batman, he can just grapple hook his way to victory.