
@bengal-: That is true. And Disney and Activision they both have their dark sides while still providing quality products. One can only hope that some of the Pixar people can reach the upper echelons of Activision, though the business structure is very different. I'm looking at your job in that regard, Kotick.

Well, if the PSP needs to sing a swan song, I suppose Kratos can be that swan.

I can see this, though like many others, I'd site Valve. Team Fortress 2 is practically a Pixar animation-style cartoon in game form, albeit bloody. Of course, does this make Activision the Disney part of the equation? I don't see that being up to snuff. -_-

@Krizstof: You know what would kick ass, then? If Pixar was brought in to do a Team Fortress movie / short, with Valve writers mixed into the lot. Of course, they would have to delve into something more violent.

@therationalpi: That is a good reason. There have been a few issues of anti-WoW sentiment from perspective employers. It is a sad level of bias.

Anonymity is the best and worst thing the Internet has going for it, as you've just described. Privacy is a concern when you can look up people based on things like name and age. However, anonymity in the Internet age has given people a soapbox for outlandishness speech without repercussions or to spout things that

Gief is great in the SF4 games, but had no idea he could lariat around a Gen ultra or Atomic Buster a Shungokusatsu! o_O Let alone grapple with dinosaurs and SPD into outer space!! O_o o_O

In other news, any latent crime problems in even the furthest reaches of Shizuoka disappeared over night. All hail the Gundam Deterrent System!

@lmaonade: I too lost in the first round. We're losers together! :D

@drock214: Then you're missing out! Look at the incredible screen you get upon beating the game!

The original Prince of Persia had the most brutal and depressing deaths ever, whether it was falling three floors onto a bed of spikes where your corpse sat for all eternity or breaking your legs from not quite making that jump over the chasm. Or getting stabbed to death in one of those sword fights that takes at

@drock214: That game was like Satan ported onto a cartridge: pure, devilishly evil difficulty. Mostly because of how Arthur jumped.

@mrClint: And the truth rang from the mountaintops.

@orijimi: My words are not that lofty-intentioned. I'm saying that Kojima makes good games all around. People can complain, but if it happens, let it take some time. Good things come to those who wait. Unless you're a fan of Duke Nukem.

Microsoft sure is sinking a lot into this Kinect thingamajig.

@Marcem: It's Hummingbird Man! o_O

@orijimi: Ha, no, I want to see ZoE3 happen, even without a system to play it on, sooner than later. I'm must saying that Metal Gear and ZoE are both awesome, so its hard to lose out.

Damn it! Why must we suffer through these awesome Metal Gear Solid games year after year until we finally get that awesome ZoE3?!? :o