
Dang... if Lebron goes to the Clippers he not only gets to be stuck on the Clippers, he gets punched in the sack by a fellow Clipper. That's not adding insult to injury, that's adding injury to insult. D:

There were many winners, but now that it exists, 21 for sure. Too bad I'm all out of gum, McWhertor! :o

Tetris, because, no matter how often it reappears, it's still TETRIS.

@Nethlem: That is almost certainly exactly why so many people exhibit such levels of apathy. There will be people who genuinely don't give a damn either way, but it seems most people are not willing to make a peaceful stand on an issue because they realize that the possibility is no huge change will come of it.

@jeremycole: I don't think anyone is claiming that gamers are responsible directly for these mad things going on, but rather, like you said, that the companies that produce them are willing to continue producing them in such a way. What you say is what I get as being the point of this article: if people knew, as many

@gengar1187: I would buy a book of what you have to say, especially if you wrote it just like that.

@drizzt_rocks: I don't think the issue is if people were created equally. Everyone is different and exists in different places and conditions. But is that an excuse for people to be treated unfairly so that other people could reap the benefits? There have been times where that question has been asked, but under

@Nethlem: The world has lived in general on varying levels of survival needs for all existence, and our lives in this age in first-world countries have been made exponentially simpler for our own convenience. You are right, it isn't just games, and that is something I'm well aware of and have been. However, standing

@CloudLink: VII was the most similar to the previous 2D games, yet it still had characters with a physical, 3D human structure. I love it lots, but still prefer VI. It was just the point where the graphics began to accelerate through prerendered cut scenes and seeing the characters in physical motion versus emoting

@PACKFAN4LIFE: For one thing, we can speak openly against the issue, preferably directly to companies that make the decisions concerning how their products are made. Write to them, speak up. And, yeah, don't buy the things you don't agree with. Companies have no reason to change unless they sense displeasure among

@fmadmonk: I agree with you, but there is more that you don't know about an individual than you do. People donate money to organizations, do community service. But, on the other token, is someone speaking up on an issue not already making a difference? You can view it as preaching, but awareness is part of the

@Thecenturyslayer: It's not about stopping the problem, but getting knowledge about it out there so people will make informed decisions. There will always be social injustice happening somewhere in some form, but that is why, on the other end of the coin, there are people who will always want to stand up against it.

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Many people working in Congo mineral mines are not there by their own volition, they are forced to work through human trafficking. It isn't a job, it is the equivalent of slavery in many circumstances.

It seems like most gamers have a large level of apathy to these issues. There is a certain amount of nihilism apparent, too: "there is no way to change the situation as a whole so why try at all" seems to be a common argument on here.

@waclark57: The problem with your argument is that you talk of the natural wastes created by a human over the course of a lifetime versus the preventable measures one could take to lower that impact. Why is it considered being politically correct when people down the line will suffer for our actions, or, in the case

@M0squ1t0: You'd be shocked how easy Big Thunder Mountain turns into Donkey Kong Country: The Mine Cart Capers!

Unique is good. I'd settle for existing at all, even if it was just Disneyland with Nintendo characters everywhere, though I'm glad Nintendo doesn't want to appease that sort of simple curiosity. There's already a Sega amusement park, and they don't even make systems anymore.

@Archaotic: Probably. Then again, the Sega theme park is in Dubai, of all places, so who knows? Maybe there will be a Nintendo Land Japan, Nintendo Land America, and the far less popular Nintendo Land France.

There is no end to the genius. Seriously, it goes in one portal and comes back around through the other one. :o