
@Manly McBeeferton: Yes. But it must be sacrificed to Rashojin Mizuki, the most evil final boss of all time. Damn her and her making it so tough to beat Samurai Shodown II!

@NeoJames: Yep, the world of game characters is small and replete with overlapping. :o

I tip my hat to this guy's bug-finding prowess. It get's an official "This Are Incredible" award.

@Manly McBeeferton: It's okay. You just need to compliment Geese Howard and he'll have your back.

@lilalienpup: I always got angry/happy at Terry's braggart way of flipping off his hat and Peaceing out after beating someone silly. :o

@Bryce Jamison: I cannot unsee that. And now to share that pain by promoting it. :o

@PS1: If Kojima made a new 2D Metal Gear, I would poop a 2D, rectangular brick of excitement. Also it would be a good excuse for him to make yet another Metal Gear. :)

Yes, I prefer the 2D gaming world. A lot of it has to do with it being the side of gaming I grew up with, but there is something endearing about sprites. A primary example in my mind would probably be the transition of Final Fantasy from 2D sprites to 3D polygonal, increasingly realistic characters. There was

As a Sicilian, I fully embrace the choice to purchase Meat Bun's Eggplant Wizard shirt. Also, their shirts are awesome.

@virtualfaqs: Similar indeed. But rest assured, HERB has full knowledge and intention of what he will do. It's the Law of Robotics that never get's mentioned:

If only a world existed where everyone dressed like this

@Manly McBeeferton: Oh no, you did NOT just call Terry Bogard a Pokemon trainer, did you? He's totally going to Burn Knuckle you in the face, watch out! D:

Sure, it looks like a harmless robot butler. But at night, it plots for the day when it can rise up with your common household appliances, then when you least expect it, you wake up startled to find HERB standing over you. "How may I serve you, master?" he says, as he smothers you with your own pillow. And thus begins

Dang it, missed registering products by mere hours to make the cutoff. At least next year's is already locked in. :D Nice stuff, might be collectible someday. Still, would rather have had the Mario shirts that Japan is getting.

@Witzbold: "Longer than you think" implies that you know what I think. Was talk cheap when slavery was abolished, when women were given the right to vote? There are myriad ways the world HAS changed for the better, where people have risen to challenges. Talk may be cheap, but you underestimate the number of people

@Witzbold: So be it, just make sure you are informed on what is going on in the Congo as well. It isn't a simple situation, but it is one that actually should be talked about, because people are dieing out of apathy.

@Witzbold: You are right in that things will never change on a global scale, but to say that people should just live with it and never raise a voice or talk of its existence, is that the answer? Talking about it and doing something, even if it is futile, is the idea of standing up for your beliefs. They can be ideals

Oh TF2, how I love thee. Let me count the ways...

Been thinking of commenting on this article for awhile, because I do think it is great and makes important points that many people are calling foul on. But think of historical depictions of war being glamorized: it has been for ages, be it in literature, art, film, music, you name it. Violence too, and to say that it

@tsukijin: That is the heart of it: these games make a lot of money and thus we see a lot of them made. There is variety to be had, it's just not usually seen as lucrative as games where you get to shoot people in the face. FPS games have a lot of room to explore. Portal comes to mind in that regard.