
@AndrosZ: That to me is the key of the value of using cut scenes: are you detracting or adding to the experience? When you take games like Half-Life where interaction is emphasized, it makes sense to do everything in game. Then I think of things like Final Fantasy 6's end of the world section and say, "Yeah, this

NiGHTS, all Panzer Dragoon Zwei and Saga, Guardian Heroes.

Yes, I would make the same decision. Modern electronics are increasingly going the way of destructive production, much like shoes in the 70's and 80's. Why should I derive pleasure from the suffering of others? It's become so ingrained in the fabric of our society to have products that are created out of the

@Koztah: I'd much rather be able to wipe my ass than stream videos, those are on different levels entirely.

@AmonSemper: Me too. The term Japanese Zombie Pirate popped into my head.

If the loose, flawed, and mysterious definition of "hardcore gamer" ever needed a breather, it is after statements like Mr. Moore's.

@Koztah: True, but that concept extends to a far reaching scale. We make our lives simpler and therefore weakening our survival and cognitive abilities, and the tradeoff is not often acknowledged. But something of this nature, a service to watch movies, is that the type of integral part of public knowledge that really

If you thought the Virtual Boy was blinding, seeing Tingle on the Virtual Boy will melt your eyes, Raiders of the Lost Ark style.

@Nintyman: That's what I was thinking. Not a classy move capitalizing on ecological and economic devastation.

Something tells me after that TV interview some intense phone conversations occurred. But between whom? And was Milo involved the discussion?

@Shandy706: That may be so, but there is a lot of opportunity to make money in simplifying the process. A lot of people don't have the time/patience/aptitude to figure out how to configure tech in that way and would prefer to press a button to launch things like Hulu and Netflix, even at a cost. And that's what counts

@ThisCharmingMan: Oh yeah, Ikaruga is the extreme. Bullet hell games in general are tough. Ikaruga is an exercise in maddening pattern recognition and memorization. That being said, like ekm29 mentioned, you shouldn't have a problem getting through this game, as your lives are endless. Good thing, you'll use quite a

Hope they're taking a long look at what Treasure did with the new Sin and Punishment game. A lot can be done with a few buttons to really make you feel in control of your actions. The trailer for this new Kid Icarus already made me reminiscent of the first S&P, and the Panzer Dragoon games by Sega.

@ThisCharmingMan: All heavy twitch and skill game types are a learning process, and you don't learn unless you practice by playing them. Same thing with fighting games: you take the pain to make the gain. But when you're on the ball with Sin and Punishment, you will feel like a badass.

@ZaxCG2: Rental is always a good option. Shooters can frustrate people, they are a challenge, and not everyone desires that level of difficulty. On top of that, it is a short experience. Still, recommended playing, this game is packed with intensity.

Bought this on pre-order and have only played through the first three levels, but already totally worth the purchase. The amount of action packed into ten minutes of this game is better than ten hours of action in some other titles. Treasure have proven themselves time and time again to be design geniuses, and this is

Yep, they got my money already! :D Deserve it too, constant updates, and a simple yet genius idea. In less-than-shocking turn of events, you can't blink an eye without seeing another game with "doodle" in its name on there now. :\

@AncientUnknown1: It's not free, but check out Ninjatown: Tree of Doom. Similar premise: have to climb ever upwards, except its based off of the Ninjatown license and is very, very fun and silly.

Picky man. The way this thing is looking from price to game selection, they should be happy with any dev that chooses to incorporate it into any game. The anti-shovelware is good and fine, but not wanting a Halo/CoD that will aid in pushing people to purchase the Kinect? Seems a bit foolhardy. Innovation goes a long