@vanillakokakola: Well, they may have been playing with Seaman... on Dreamcast. o_o
@vanillakokakola: Well, they may have been playing with Seaman... on Dreamcast. o_o
England may have Rooney, but Germany has the Football Predictin' Octopus. And we all know THAT is the great equalizer.
Portal 2, Metroid: Other M, and Yarn Kirby.
Though I'm not advocating the action, there is no window into the smarts of a kid than something like this. So at least you have a smart child, albeit one that may have gotten to virtually throw a knife into some evil guy's forehead. :o
Kind of ashamed to have never played MDK2. Looks like I'll get the chance finally, I've heard great things about the series and remember being interested in it during the Dreamcast days.
Needs less Nickelback and more PICKELBAAAAACK!
I have my theories... tomorrow should be interesting. :o
Fact: I asked for a Power Glove for Christmas that year and instead got a U-Force. In fact, it is sitting in a bin underneath my bed. Damn was that thing utterly useless for any game ever. Not that the Power Glove turned out better, but at least it looked cool and still does. :P
Would that be the rare Cat With Bees in its Mouth and When it Meows it Shoots Bees at You? ... I want one for my guarding my evil mansion.
@JabbaB: It's also the bee's knees!!!
I partially agree with her. There is a certain amount of desensitizing to violence and war that has been going on for ages, be it in movies, tv, or music. On the other hand, in video games, you are picking up a gun and shooting people, albeit virtually, with neither of you incurring the real-world penalties associated…
@The plants are now dead, the people too: I suppose the only defense against that would be Microsoft's apparent $150 manufacturing costs for each unit. They are more than likely looking to capitalize as quickly as possible off of software. Ads like this would be padding.
@Eggyhead85: That would be great, anything to make the motion control similar to a PC's mouse control. There would probably be some hurdles to implementing that idea, but it would be great indeed, beyond the expected sensitivity settings.
I'd expect this to play great, along the lines of RE4, and for the MP abilities to increase as well. For that matter, it remains to be seen how well the Move aids an FPS game. The Wii has a handful of FPS games that do work well with the control scheme, though with a quick learning curve for most of them. The Move…
@aidsget: That's what I was thinking. No hair, green eyes... Mario's representing the atomic energy lobby?!?
@Solytus: Yes. And when you honk the imaginary horn it offers you a premium imaginary horn for a nominal fee. :o :o
@Koda89: Oooh, they'd fit perfect into this world! I suppose the easter egg options are many and plentiful.
@Solytus: Nope, it will just add one Volt to your checkout cart! :o
@senecalyte: Television, radio, and the newspaper/magazine have been doing this for awhile, usually as the primary business model. It's tough to make a product and find a way to make money off of it, so advertising gets the nod. Some of it can seem a bit sleazy like Facebook's information hounding or, to be frank,…
Waaaah, beautiful! Looks like playing a cartoon! Hope Totoro cameos in there somewhere.