
@Culebra: I think it has a lot to do with the history of Mickey, Disney, and animation. The plot, characters, environments, and nature of Mickey are all pieces of Disney lore. In many ways, it looks like this game plays out like a microcosm of what Disney has been and could yet become, whether that is good or evil.

As someone fighting an anxiety disorder, this is a common part of the treatment of such problems. The need to face a fear in order to maintain a sense of balance follows the idea of learned behaviors, where exposure to that which is feared will make for less fear based on resistance training. It is also the same

Might be the first Mickey-related product purchase I've made in ages. Have a love-hate relationship with that mouse. This looks like a return to form for the parts I love about him, and Disney in general. BBL, off to see Toy Story 3. /walking Disney advert

@JuiceMan: To be fair, it is hard to crush enough unicorn, narwhal, and rhino horns into a paste to color those iPhones.

@BUTTON_MASHER: It's probably for the better, what with all of the nerdy types constantly touching their joysticks. Things could get out of hand!

Now playing

I believe Mr. Snipes has something to say about this.

I'm going to go with Zombie Booth Babe. Her standards are low enough to accept my rabid dorkdom. Also, she's really into my brains.

Yes! Now my life is complete since two of my idols have given each other the nod of admiration. Also, any time I click on an article mentioning John Carpenter I hope for some delicious They Live! footage, and Luke delivered on it BIG TIME. Guess he was all out of bubblegum today.

Demos would help. Yes, they would help a great deal. Oh, and I guess DLC, though that's iffy and not a resounding "gimme now!" dealbreaker. Still, could you imagine expansion worlds down the line for New Super Mario Bros. Wii? They would sell like gangbusters.

@Shinhideaki: That too would be awesome, but could prove cumbersome. Perhaps someone in an auspicious (aka: evil) vantage could place bounties on people that bounty hunters could collect? Sort of a mini in-game economy for the rogues of the galaxy.

@Shinhideaki: That sounds cool, and makes sense what with all of the gadgetry reliance. And it would be great if the bounty hunter had a specialty sidequest focus on bounties ala Red Dead Redemption.

@CowPieSoup: The Cantina is immortal, it exists beyond the confines of space and time! So too does that weird elephant-like creature.

Taking wagers on how many people opt into the bounty hunter lifestyle. We all want to be Boba Fett, you know, even if that means spending some time in the Sarlac pit.

Waaaah Tron merchandising overload! :P A whole line of Tron computer and video game peripherals? :P :P

It's the one time where you prefer those nice Square Pieces.

@Giggers: Hopefully it's the start of a trend. Now if only they could update the system to add a Friends list of some type. That would take a lot of effort. Monster Hunter 3 looks killer, though.

@Ursus-Veritas: You know, now I want to play Console Dominoes. 100 PS3s, all in a line, then BLAMMO!

They have to realize how terrible the whole Friend Code barrier is by now. Their architecture was built around protection against abusive language and interaction. It's one thing to not have voice chat or player-to-player messaging because of course that is where those elements culminate, but Friend Codes limit the

@busboy33: The price will be prohibitive at any point in time unless they lower it, and that may hinge on the ability to manufacture Kinect for less in the future. The key is indeed the games; if they have a great pack-in game that's a start, and some games have big potential, especially the dance-related ones. It