@ibeeis: Good point. Okay then, put them to work making MadWorld 2. Except this time put it on systems that people will buy it on. That last part is almost as tragic as Sonic's plotlines. -_-
@ibeeis: Good point. Okay then, put them to work making MadWorld 2. Except this time put it on systems that people will buy it on. That last part is almost as tragic as Sonic's plotlines. -_-
@Andrew Falkenhan: Smurf you, Hollywood. Smurf you straight to Smurf! D:
Dear Sega: for every Sonic game you make that necessitates a "big story and jokes," I will punch you in the invisible face. Just give us simple platforming for Sonic. For every time you make a game like Sonic 4, you get a cookie. And those writers? Put them onto making a new Shenmue or Panzer Dragoon game. PLEASE?!?
Something new, methinks. He's already said that this newest title was pushing back ZoE3 for a bit. Unless that changed. Regardless, anything Kojima makes is something I look forward to experiencing. Yes, even if its yet another Metal Gear game... ..... .... but PLEASE don't be another Metal Gear game. :)
You lost me at "Pac-Man is a high school student." This is valuable time being wasted that could be spent on what we all really want: a Smurfs reboot.
@RocketChump: Oh, trust me, I agree with that sentiment. Developing and testing games can be torturous when you work at places that do excessive overtime, but especially testing because it is repetitive. Over time you do lose motor function and cognitive abilities. As someone who has worked 80-100+ hour weeks testing,…
@Michael Dukakis: They would have, but they were gone in the blinks of three eyes.
@chickdigger802: Eghads, that could be the new equivalent to sniffing glue! o_O Expect plenty of warning screens before each game.
That picture with the Beetle carrying the woman (preparing to tear her in half?) and the final one give me some great ideas for a horror movie. :o
Seems like it would be hellish for MP, particularly any FPS. Perhaps that's why the mandatory 5Mbps wired connections and mostly single player games. When quality high speed internet service is widely available this could be the future. Also, their pricing plan is shoddy for games you are technically streaming.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: Now that it has the endorsement of Jesus, it will surely topple those sodomites Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft!
@Ogbert: Orange or black it is! :shakes piggy bank:
@enderx: This is the worst oil spill in US history. As for the Exxon Valdez spill (ah, yes, such youthful memories of environmental destruction...), there are still effects being felt from that spill to this day, and Exxon is still paying for it. This newest spill will be felt for decades, unfortunately.
The orange isn't bad. Looks kind of like the sunburst wood finish on a Gibson Les Paul. However, where's the good 'ol traditional all black? Or is that being saved for... THE 3DSXL?!?
@wild7s: Just hope that this doesn't mean the new breed of 360's is quite as cunning. OPEN THE HATCH, 360!!! :o
Star Fox on 3DS feels like a no-brainer, whether that's a remake or new game. The series was some of Nintendo's first ventures into polygons used to create a third dimension effect. Going back to Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racer, that was the run up to the games of today, being made up of polygons. It made me think…
@reecord2: As 3D as it gets! Also includes the rarely used Smell-0-Vision feature.
@超外人: Companion Sphere seems like the evolution of Cube, what with its lack of edges and British accent, but seems to cause a lot of trouble (ie: reawakening GLaDOS). However, do not count out Cube. It would be hard to imagine Portal without that laying about the lab somewhere.