
Joe-Joe's (the Trader Joe's brand of Oreos) are amazing.

Can you even have credit under 18? Not being a legal adult you can't really sign a binding contract anyway. I belonged to both BMG and Columbia House as a kid at various times and, as I recall, I just ignored their demands without any consequences.

So true! I was also born in '77. This movie came out when I was in my freshman year of college. I wasn't aware of it until the following spring when I saw it on video. I only remember that because it was during a spring break trip to San Francisco. The movie itself made little impression. 15 years later I was dating a

There was GEnie around that time. They were known for having text and graphical games and they were actually on a national level (using General Electric's network).

What doesn't make sense is that he's one of the former owners, just like Joe. He should be getting a check, not handing one out. Why is he even involved in the transaction?

None of it made sense. The company was bought out by some large overseas corporations. That corporation is the one doing the buying out so presumably they're the one's writing checks. Why is the old owner there handing out checks, he should be one of the people getting one. I don't think that the overseas corporation

That scene didn't make a whole lot of sense. If Joe owns part of the company and the company was bought out by some large oversees competitor, wouldn't the check be coming from them? Why would Nathan even be involved. Presumably Joe can just request a replacement.

It's ooky if you actually knew your cousins growing up. If your family was not close or you were adopted or something and you didn't meet the person until you were an adult then really it's just a stigma.

Sounds like you're plugging the coaxial cable from your cable company directly into your TV. If you plugged an antennae in instead you would receive the digital over the air broadcast channels available in your area (assuming you have good enough reception) including the HD ones for free. You wouldn't get ESPN, of

You don't need a special receiver unless you have an old non-digital TV. Any modern TV will have a built in tuner that gets those channels.

Yeah if she actually told anybody he'd be the one with the more serious consequences probably but I think most teenage girls in that situation would just keep it to themselves.

I think he probably had minimal consequences, though. For her to pursue anything against him, she'd have to admit she was drinking and in a club. I'd imagine the result would just be awkwardness and pretending nothing happened.

My 20th will be next year which is disturbing enough that I might start a mid-life crisis. I certainly won't go either. Didn't bother with the 10th. The thing is, in the era of social networking I don't see the point even if I wanted to reconnect with high school era people. If I wanted to get in touch with them I

There was something so bland about the typical styles of the mid to late 90s that they don't stick out the way some other eras do. When you think of the really outlandish stuff from the decade it was mostly the early years or part of a less mainstream subculture. I'm pretty sure you could wear the boring khaki, button

Wasn't Laverne and Shirley essentially a hang out comedy? They were roommates and they worked together but basically it was just a show about two friends and their social circle hanging out. Change the lead characters to dudes, throw in some pot and you've got Workaholics.

It always seemed essentially like a 90s update to Three's Company to me.

"Fargo is popular among Californians who are apparently curious about what this “snow” thing is all about"

Agreed. I loved him when he was doing "Eat It" and "Like a Surgeon" when I was a 7 year old. I saw him at a county fair when I was a teenager. I never would have thought he'd still be around now that I'm pushing middle age. It makes me happy even though I don't love all his output. I think a lot of other novelty acts

Reading some of the comments here from people reminiscing about childhood memories of Weird Al in the early 00's makes me feel really old but also makes me respect what a long, successful career he has had. It's kind of genius , really. There will always be a new batch of adolescent boys that are going to find Weird

Well it definitely differs depending on when you were born. Those of us who were kids when Weird Al had his initial popularity were well into our 20s by the time "Running With Scissors" came out. I'm not sure I've heard anything from that album and I'd consider myself a Weird Al fan. I think I sort of stopped paying