
Really not a bad job for a teenager plus it justifies the need for the car to their parents while providing a means to pay for it.

Well if you trim hedges for a living it's more like 20 15 minute commutes in a day.

If you knew about the things Otto did during the war you wouldn't mind insulting him.

The '86 Camry I was driving in '97 was way better than a sundance and it only had a cd player because I replaced the tape deck with an aftermarket one.

Well in some cases I think being bought out by larger companies is allowing them to go the other way. I often see Lagunitas or 10 Barrel going for 6.99 for a six pack around me when competing independent beers are going for two to four bucks more.

I like hops but some places have gone overboard with it. I think it's just a product of the style being popular with a lot of the early microbreweries to the point that it came to define what a microbew is "supposed" to taste like for a lot of people. And if hoppy = quality in some people's minds than clearly more

Canned yeah. A bottled one would probably be skunky at that point though.

There's no reason to stop liking how the product tastes unless they change it but some people do the microbrewery thing because they want to support local independent businesses. So it would be like not shopping at the local coop market if it turned into a whole foods. There's a logic to it.

It should a'lot as in "I really like m'lady a'lot.

Not to mention that driving is the most dangerous thing most of us do in a day and a well functioning automated system would make major accidents incredibly rare.

The thing with most of these doo dads is that they do something that can pretty easily be done manually for much less money. It's like keurig. I see the convenience but it makes pretty subpar drip coffee for a way higher cost when you could just use a simple pour over filter or a french press with better results at

Motion sensor to open the lid with out touching it perhaps? That's not really essential but not completely idiotic.

I suppose a possible value of this would be to have temperatures easily tracked for some type of health purpose like timing peak fertility or something but it's a pretty niche need.

Some of us believe in everyone's right free expression even if they use words we don't like. You are free to criticize Randy Newman but to say that some people aren't allowed to use a word because of the arbitrary, socially constructed racial category they belong to seems fairly oppressive to me. I'd prefer to live in

I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong.

The only place on on TV where you really CAN'T say it is broadcast because the airwaves are regulated by the government. USA is cable so they can but choose not to likely because they would get complaints and pressure from sponsors. HBO and such do whatever they wan't because they are subscription based and not

I don't know why we didn't just let you people leave the Union when you wanted to.

As someone pushing 40, I really didn't need AV Club to point out these fairly obvious references but thanks I guess.

I know it's fun to hate on boring places like Sacramento but the town is actually home to a small but respected restaurant scene in the downtown area. Restaurants like The Kitchen, Mulvaney's and Ella are pretty well respected and the location in the middle of the most productive agricultural region in the country

None of that made sense. Cardiff was bought out by some other company so the check shouldn't have even been coming from the old owner. Presumably all Joe had to do was call up the new ownership and say, "hey the crazy former owner ripped up my check before giving it to me, cut me a new one".