
Makin' computers?

The exhaust part was wrong but I don't think he meant to imply that a contrail is literally made of dust. He was comparing the imagery of something leaving you behind in the dust and a contrail. A contrail, like the dust, is the thing that gets left behind not the thing doing the leaving thus "it IS the dust".

Actually it's a pretty terrible bacteria growth medium given the acidity of the vinegar, citrus juice, etc. that is usually part of the recipe. Store bought mayo doesn't even really need to be refrigerated. The idea that it causes food poisoning is a myth, adding mayo to something actually makes bacteria growth less

Three's Company and Laverne and Shirley were doing the adult singles hanging out thing well before Seinfeld was on the air. Granted they both used the concept that the main characters all lived together. Oh and Golden Girls could even be thrown in to that category.

They're calling it "The PCH"? As a SoCal native I have to say that's not right. The is used for numbered highways. The 101, The 5, etc. You don't say "The Pacific Coast Highway"anymore than you would say "The Imperial Highway" or "The WIlshire Boulevard".

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica.

Being a high school student North OC when this album came out I was given no choice but to like it. One of the band members cousins was in my high school. If there were a six degrees of separation from 90s OC ska bands I could be the Kevin Bacon.

Sadly, the spin-off featuring "Joey" Goebbels didn't do as well.

Yeah, I guess. I feel like their popularity peaked a couple years before the onslaught of bon jovi.

yeah they weren't really, that's why it was okay.

The continued popularity of Bon Jovi is probably limited to middle-aged women in New Jersey but at their height I remember them being pretty popular all over. Of course, as a pre-teen boy in the suburbs of southern California they were not a band I was allowed to like. As I recall, the only band that remotely fell in

It isn't really accurate to say that we don't have metric. We use it in science and healthcare and most places where it really matters. Metric is one of the official measurement systems and has been since the 19th century. Our "customary units" (our version of Imperial) are actually legally defined in terms of

The "rest of the world" does not refer to soccer as football. Many countries do but some have their own words for it such as "calcio" in Italian. In English speaking countries "football" refers to whatever code of football is most popular. Soccer, rugby, aussie rules, American, Canadian, etc. are all versions of

According to the internet she's actually of Greek descent but her name does seem Italian. it may be not really matter but having Greek ancestry myself I am required to know everyone famous who is Greek.


But you could mock her for being white. gotcha.

Staying at the Y? I'm pretty sure that hasn't been a thing for at least a couple decades. What is this an episode of Three's Company?