
If that guy’s a sheep, Winston’s a crook.

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

I envy you.

Ha! Very good retention for a flabby white!

Which ninjitsu is a mere shadow of.

Not several, two! It’s not a big difficult number…

I’ll be honest, these creatures were some of the most chilling monsters I’ve ever seen, period. I love horror movies, but it is VERY rare that I am as unsettled as I was when I first saw them in the flesh. I have not finished the game, but I assume they will make another appearance. If so, I’m equally anticipating and

Gizmodo: Chrome uses too much RAM.
Jalopnik: RAM uses too much chrome.

I’d kill for $40k and Health/Dental in this area.

It’s interesting to hear how determined the people on that project are to prove the media wrong about the aircraft. I will admit upfront to being an F-35 detractor for many reasons, but I do admire and respect the faith that people working on the project have in their work. I hope that they can indeed prove people

Doesn’t this prove Klinsmenn a little bit right.
Donovan isn’t even on the women’s team and he’s trying to make their matches about him. Why would you want that type of personality hanging around? Especially if that personality was attached to the subpar onfield performance Donovan was exhibiting leading up to 2014.

Alexi Lalas hates everyone and everything. I can’t stand that that smug faced asshole.

Bob : ‘Shit! Get down! What the hell dinosaur is that?!’

While this is awesome and deserves at least three of today’s internets I really hate the way that letter was written. Instead of going with “here’s a fun thing I did for you guys to have a laugh at before putting in the Bethesda trash can” he’s thrown in a bunch of annoying, manipulative sentences that are designed to

I thought that at first as well. If you watch it again, though, I think you’ll see that he is actually feigning to fall over, pretending to avoid her, but is all the while actually trying to interfere with her. This is why he didn’t complain about being kicked out, by the way. If he had merely done what you suggest,

It looks like the internet’s opinion is Split.

There was no ninjustu in Remo Williams. It was Sinanju, a completely fictional martial art.

I'm surprised you left out Remo Williams. The movie was light-hearted, but not an outright comedy. The book series the movie was based on is dead serious. The only reason it might not qualify is because Chiun (his instructor) has an intense dislike for ninjas, and would probably kill anyone who called him one.