Mr. Orlando

The beauty of the season so far is that Serac and Dolores have both good sides and horrible sides.

Ramin Djawadi and the sound design team are absolutely killing it. There were scenes where—by design—I didn’t know the full meaning of, but damn if I didn’t feel it from the sound and music.

I don’t know what I feel worse about...

Wow! All those classics in 4K UHD makes it a no-brainer that I’ll be seeing some of these for the umpteenth time.


Good, can’t wait to revisit A View To A Kill

May 8th???

It was thrilling to see Mike the expert operator, plant the seeds for Lalo’s undoing and the setup come to fruition. The way some of the shots were framed just added to the noir P.I. type of vibe.

After the “I didn’t tell you to protect you” worse thing that a person can say to their partner to destroy trust, by Jimmy, I was floored when Kim dramatically pauses and I said aloud “Get married?” and then she said it.

Did not see that coming until about 2 seconds before it landed. I thought she was out.

Legally, a person cannot be compelled to testify against his or her spouse. Therefore Kim is proposing marriage because she is all in, in spite of everything.

I am floored.

I would watch the heck out of a Bernard & Stubbs spin-off, where they travel the world and get into adventures.

Not only glad to see Stubbs back, but his comedic timing and action bonafides will bring more of those elements to the show.

It was nice to see the other Hemsworth brother can also kick ass with an axe. I’ve always liked Stubbs, and am glad to see him alive and now part of the main cast. 

The show’s new costume designer has a thing for sexy, tight dresses and I’m enjoying it.

Also, it dovetails nicely with Dolores in her black dress (so back to the black hat/white hat thing)

Goddamn she looked great.

References to Futureworld, GOT, Jurassic Park......clever by too much? Nah!

I believe most people do as well, but some media and a vocal minority of fans are ready to pounce on these actors if they don’t assess the final season(s) in the same way they do, regardless of how they felt about the show or it’s ending.

I feel bad for these actors. They shouldn’t have to explain and be analyzed for the controversy on this work. Asked time and again if they thought it was good or what went wrong, when they weren’t the disinterested showrunners that obviously didn’t want to attempt to finish GRRM’s tale as satisfying and fleshed out,