Mr. Orlando

“I don’t live to drain, I drain to live.”


It is a bit ridiculous when you consider MTV played music videos and music related programming into the new millennium.

What? Like you don’t want Space King Tiger Force?

Nice of The Donald to be so committed to the space program that he ensures his skin tone is as close to Mars as possible.

Legendary? More like notorious.

Mock all you want, but President Trump will have the last laugh when he puts the first man in space!

I think he’ll be fine for a couple reasons. The first being he’s already worked on The Mandolorian with writing and directing an episode (and acting) so they should have a decent working relationship already going. And secondly, I think Disney learned their lesson with the sequel trilogy (and Solo) to not use the

Um, full stop.

No there’s plenty of blame to go around when it’s bad, but I’m not sure how responsibility is handled where you are from but Kennedy is the boss so she’s going to have to answer for the results good or bad. She can take credit for the wins too (although I think it’s fair to see who’s influencing those projects more

True on all accounts.

So this has a 50% chance of ever being finished and a 50% chance of being good because you have to factor Kathleen Kennedy meddling with it. At least it’s better than the chance we had with the last trilogy.

I’m as huge a fan of Rick & Morty as anyone, but even clever self awareness has its limits. Literally saying you’re overwritten and stuffy, while being ultra meta, in the episode can only take you so far.

I just didn’t have it in me to comment until the next day, and even after pondering on it, I’m going to echo a lot of what I said in previous weeks and others have here as well.

I’ll respectfully disagree. No one that works in media should ever get the title of a song in a TV show wrong in a written review, when looking it up takes about 5 seconds. If you can’t look it up, don’t name it in the review.

Showrunners Nolan and Joy have said for a time now that they always had a 6 season plan mapped out from the beginning.

Absolutely hyped for AC: Valhalla as it reminds me of The Last Kingdom (watch it on Netflix now!) a show that is so top notch and deals with this historical time period.

So Caleb is not the bad guy that I thought he was, as much as he’s been a pawn the whole time by the forces that be. The reveal that Francis was actually selling him out, that he initiated by listening to their captive was a mind twisting tragedy. I’m hoping for a better end to Caleb than being the instrument of

If I can ever make the strongest recommendation it is for The Last Kingdom.

“She used to be such a cute little fresh faced girl… but now she looks like an elephant’s knee.”