Mr. Orlando

Can we get Natasha Lyonne as a scoundrel?

I’ve read in multiple places that Nielsen only counts cable/Direct TV numbers, so HBO Now gets counted after the fact.

Their sfx artists and location scouts are maybe the best in the business. Their work this season has been like, S-tier good. I’m down to keep them on this show for another few years.

I stream the show on HBO now about a few minutes after the show has already started on live TV and I'm pretty curious if those numbers are included in HBO's ratings numbers for live viewing. Either way, the budget for the show is insane.

I always figured that would be the case with AT&T/WB needing more content, rolling out HBO Max, and Nolan/Joy saying they had a 5 or 6 season plan, if I’m remembering correctly. Some had openly wondered if it would survive with a 700k or there about audience watching live on Sundays, but more than likely it’s well over

I’m going to hate myself for saying this, but at least it can replace anyone’s HBO subscription from before (cable, GO, or NOW), which mitigates the cost if you want the extra content.

You are not wrong... I love Top Secret! and Kilmer really showed his versatility in that movie and another childhood favorite “Real Genius”.

I’ve given many accolades to Rhea Seehorn—the secret weapon of this show—and sang Bob Odenkirk’s praises too. He has completely put comedic actor as a secondary characteristic, as he is a complete actor now in every way. They were both wonderful again in this episode, which relied so heavily on body language, longing

Am I the only one who thinks Quibi is the worst idea ever??

I liked this episode overall, but I have to point out the inconsistencies in the action scenes. On the one hand the security personnel can’t hit the broad side of a barn even with advanced weaponry—like a 80's action TV show—yet the Hale fight in the elevator was top shelf, as was the riot robot sequences.

Today I’m pretty much over being offended by Mr. Depp. We’ve currently got an impeached rapist narcissist sociopath cult leader in the WH defunding the W.H.O. in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. There’s too much going on right now for me to summon any extra moral outrage’ over celebrities. 

I no more care about Depp’s personal life than I care for the personal life of my coffeemaker.

bunker? i hardly knew her

Don’t worry guys, I’ll say what we’re all thinking...

“Look mister we’re not interested in your tricks and trinkets.... (holds up named license plate key chain) This would make a cute gift for a man named Steve.”

As a huge Denis Villeneuve fan, a fan of the book, and the surreal OG Lynch movie, I’ve been hyped for this since it was announced.

I’m not sure which part was more heartbreaking, Kim worrying about Saul and the relief she felt after he called her, Kim seeing the coffee cup with the bullet hole, or Kim almost breaking down and giving Saul that look after Lalo left.

Not a hot take my man. While I’ve laid out my opinion on TLJ here before, and how I think it was great for 3/4 of it’s run time, until at the end of the throne room scene it starts to walk back every interesting point it had brought up, I would easily put it as the best movie of the new trilogy.

“...and long-time J.J. Abrams collaborator...”

It’s too bad the only thing I’d consider watching at this point is For All Mankind. Everything else has gotten middling to bad reviews, or doesn’t drive much of an interest to my already extensive backlog of shows.