Mr. Orlando

A lot of people give Jared Leto shit—myself included—and a lot of it is justified, but I can’t imagine the soul crushing horror I’d feel if I came out of my cryogenic chamber or whatever dark room in the desert he came back to society from, and find out what’s happened for the first time over the last month.

This show can bring the comedy, just as well as it can bring the heartbreak and darkness.

Personally, I don’t think you make such a big show of the simulation within the simulation, in that scene, without it being something. Of course it wouldn’t be the first time this show tried to swerve us either.

🎶...And I feel fine 🎶

I’m not sure who is in the Hale host but it’s not Dolores. At the end of last season’s finale the Hale host was shown walking next to Dolores so she’s independent of Dolores.

Just one thing I want to know...

Pictured: the future of humanity.

Yeah but MCA wouldn’t have wanted you to not mourn him by not listening to his music.  


I can’t even watch the trailer without losing it. Every time I think I can enjoy the Beasties again I’m just not ready. RIP MCA.

Hold it now... Hold it now...

From Blumhouse Productions and Jordan Peele’s latest horror we present:

Look what you did!

Well if shit wasn’t real before, it sure just got real now.

We’re going to lose our collective shit if this takes Hanks out...

Can’t he just be our president now?

That’s a great question and I don’t know the answer, but I’m going to assume given the conversation we’ve seen from multiple events and conventions that have cancelled, that it looks like they don’t.

I look forward to watching this.