Mr Ordinary

This will be a competitor to the upcoming X3M and the AMG GLC. The ones you mentioned are much bigger and much more expensive. Jag just happened to give their small SUV wayyy more power than anyone else.

This is what we’ve come to to get performance kicks: throwing bricks down the road. This is the F4 Phantom II of the streets.

They said “efficient”, not “falsely advertised”.

Jaguar-Land Rover’s turnaround began after they got sold to Tata. They’re doing well since then.

I keep hearing she was ‘overwhelmed by nerves,’ etc. I think it’s more likely that she’s dealing with PTSD- puking is a common symptom especially when reliving the event. It undermines the seriousness of the situation to say she’s just got charming ‘nerves’ or ‘stage fright.’

It’s been on the national news in the UK for the last couple of days. He was legally* married but hadn’t done the church ceremony so they managed to complete that in hospital a few hours before he died.

Courage !!!

I bawled listening to this yesterday. I can’t imagine being in front of thousands of people, talking about the horrific event. Such raw emotions. It was incredible.

Holy shit, what a boss. Who knew footage of a teenager puking in front of thousands of people could be so damn inspirational?

It seems like a really good way to win yourself an honerable mention Darwin Award. Like you’re probably not going to die but you may end up taking your uterus out of the gene pool.   

1. You can’t do yoga in those pants unless you want to lose a body part in a painful, embarrassing manner.

The reality is that the coverage on ESPN was never going to be good. Technical issues during pre-race aside, trying to broadcast F1 on ESPN by simulcasting from SkySports, who themselves do not broadcast commercials, is going to lead to misses in action due to commercials. NBC got around this by having their own

Maybe my lack of familiarly with F1 made it harder for me to understand the article, but it feels incomplete. What is left out: both cars were forced to retire due to cross-threaded wheel nuts. One rear, one front.

I was at a FL march today and a survivor spoke. She was amazing. Her family held signs like “My sister hid in a closet while 17 of her teachers and friends were shot and killed”. Then there was a group of 4 young men holding their don’t tread on me flags, and held signs that gun control equates Nazism. We ignored

There is nothing more difficult than standing in front of a group of people and letting silence be. (I know this from my teaching career...). It’s interesting to see the audience reaction - silence makes people so uncomfortable! Some feel the need to fill it - cheering, chanting etc - until the silence sinks in.

I’m sobbing. This woman is so brave. To be thrown into to this and handle it with such strength and poise. Last I heard she’s attending my Alma Mata in the fall and I don’t feel worthy.

Old white guy here who marched today - the sooner amazing young people like these take over, the better off we’ll all be. I used to think “I weep for our future,” but now I weep with joy to see that there is hope, and I will help make it happen.

OK people now Vote this November and make it reality!!

Yesterday in the airport, I saw some kids coming to town for the protest. I told them and their parents how proud I was them and shook their hands. These kids are going to change the world.

HI there! Canadian here weighing in. We are so supportive of this movement. This isn’t about taking guns away. This is about responsible gun reform, and doing everything possible to combat the awful tragedies that have been occurring in your country.