British law spells out that four-wheeled cars must have four tires, in addition to outlining the condition that is acceptable for each of those tires.
British law spells out that four-wheeled cars must have four tires, in addition to outlining the condition that is acceptable for each of those tires.
British law spells out that four-wheeled cars must have four tires.
Right, which means he doesn’t have the right paperwork, meaning he can’t prove it was proper.
Nothing that you’ve posted actually says that people are getting jailed for posting shit online. For an overview of what’s happening, the most recent article I can find covering this is from 2015 when about 10% of people convicted of online abuse got jailed for an average sentence of 2 months… need to stop believing anything you see on Breitbart.
Because the car was so badly damaged in a previous accident, it was deemed unroadworthy.
Or anyone with a pulse.
One of the dumbest fucking things I’ve ever seen.
I’m puzzled as to why all the drivers got out and were like ‘wtf?’
That response was half-baked.
Reminds me of that bus driver called “The Punisher” who rams into idiots who cut him off.
True. I’m not a gluten for punishment.
At yeast you didn’t have to sit through the whole video to know what happened,
There seems a big chunk of information missing here. Category B means that the car sustained damage so severe it cannot be repaired to go back on the road. From hunting around it seems the police determined that this chassis was deemed Category B at some time and therefore could not be insured (not that it wasn’t…
And if you buy a written off car at auction and it’s a Cat B, you have to have it repaired *and* inspected by the appropriate government agency and make sure you drive it insured. It reads like he bought the wreck, had it repaired then drove it around without inspection or insurance. In which case, he got what was…
Dumb. Everyone knows the best way to kill a Ferrari is to drive it around the block until it catches itself on fire.
That drift!
Seriously? Playing music during your exhaust video?
“Incredibly dismissive” is clickbait. “Cautiously noncommittal” is a more honest characterization.
Love the Brits and the stiff upper lip attitude — even to recreation.