Thank you for teaching me the word “fopdoodle.” I plan to use this frequently at work.
Thank you for teaching me the word “fopdoodle.” I plan to use this frequently at work.
Very few safety barriers on a street course, which by nature also has no runoff areas and other safety features present on dedicated tracks.
And why should he? Trump had it coming. There used to be a time, when, after a calamity, world leaders twittered/wrote/submitted their support, not attack the mayor of a city just struck by a terrorist attack. That orange idiot is burying any dignity the job had left under a pile of steaming twittered shit.
Who is pretending they are not a problem?
Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his “no reason to be alarmed” statement. MSM is working hard to sell it!
I wish they could just say, “We have no interest in meeting with Mr. Trump. He can feel free to visit some of London’s tourist attractions, but we don’t have the time nor desire to meet with him.”
The best/most telling part of Khan’s statement is that he doesn’t refer to the Trump as President Trump, just Donald Trump.
Days since being an international embarrassment: 0 Days
The world does not respect Trump as a leader and it hurts the United States. The deliberate burn that is “Donald Trump” and not President Trump is indicative of how the global winds are changing. Adult world leaders are not interested in dealing with a 70 year old man that calls other adults “losers” and “pathetic” on…
What’s in it for the UK to let a neo-fascist wanna-be dictator in their country to make a scene for his own benefit...? May and Khan should tell Trump to fuck off with this solidarity trip.
Any day Orange Dumbass gets needled for his ignorant bloviating is a good day.
Trump gets owned harder and more often by Khans than the Starship Enterprise.
Because this isn’t The Movies.
I’m pretty sure they aren’t authorized to deploy lethal force upon initiation anyhow. They’re basically the formerly-living example of every gun nut that thinks they’re going to win in a cowboy shoot off against a villain.
Or maybe they should, you know, leave the job of catching criminals to police officers, who actually might have a clue of what they are doing.
Bounty hunter ??????????
I am shocked, shocked I say!, that a profanity was uttered in a hockey locker room. Of all places! What’s this fucking world coming to?