I have a ST170 and its both the most overrated and underrated car I’ve ever owned.
I have a ST170 and its both the most overrated and underrated car I’ve ever owned.
I just think with the development of rail guns and directed energy weapons they would have a better solution than firing a missile at a missile.
You learn a lot more about something when it goes wrong than when it goes right.
That can be said for his Indy career too. For the most part it is ambitious yet rubbish. I can’t count the number of races where he has taken out contenders while his car was shit that day.
master of the epic drive Alonso, as he could have won if not for that peaky engine failure shame brilliant truly epic drive by Alonso gutted for him.
Finishing position aside, Alonso drove a hell of a race today. I hope he comes back.
Rossi, back marker in F1, won Indy 500 in his rookie year.
I think after both of them were off the pace in P2, their respective sides of the garage more or less guessed on the setup (yes I know it was more than just “pure” guessing, but they were so far down in P2 I doubt they gained any usable data from it) and Bottas’s side guessed right while Hamilton’s got it wrong. This…
Low weight preserves tires.
I believe this was organized by Lanzante, and was not officially sanctioned by McLaren.
It’s a completely foreign concept here in the US to have anyone under 18 be responsible for anything, let alone have access to heavy equipment (as a mechanic would). Even the grocery store I worked at wouldn’t let me use the trash compactor until I was 18. We baby our kids way too much here.
Re: the race distance. Yeah, no. The Porsche weighs about 200 kg more, and more weight = more energy into the tyres = accelerated wear.
Disregarding that, if we assume the P1's tyres last for 45 minutes/7 laps and a pitstop takes 2 minutes, the P1 would complete 204 laps in 24 hours. To match this, a 918 would have to…
Advanced sarcasm.
I was with you till the last paragraph. Now I’m not sure. Isn’t the 918 hybrid setup for a hot-lap mode, and the rigors of an actual race going to tax/reduce the hybrid setup?
I think you can go in to the army at 16.
Again. Embarasses America again.
This anecdote has been making the rounds following the passing of Sir Roger Moore at 89 yesterday. What a class act that guy was.
“Meanwhile, can anyone call what kind of car this is supposed to be?”
The accident is the fault of the dingus who decided to illegally pull out into the HOV lane across a solid line in front of clearly oncoming traffic (the biker), but good lord, don’t ride a motorcycle or drive a car at 80 MPH (watch his speedometer) in a lane next to traffic going about 20 MPH slower.
They tried to scramble some F-35s but they couldn’t catch up to it. See myself out as well...