This is fucking stupid.
This is fucking stupid.
Top Gong
Sadly I believe that you are probably right. Which is going to leave a momentous decision in the hands of a commander in chief whom I believe is not qualified to make it.
Oh, for shore.
Don’t be bloody stupid. There are plenty of legitimate news organizations in the UK, not least the BBC.
Also from the UK here... I’ve been to the US loads over the last 25years and believe me... a lot of the time when they say “I can drive stick” what they actually mean is “I can slam a pedal and a lever about and the car moves”... finesse, smoothness and any semblance of mechanical sympathy doesn’t come into it!
Most of…
Yes they are..but fortunately, Cayennes don’t leave earth’s orbit very often.
I am currently undergoing a rebuild of my TR8. The nice thing about these cars is that parts are readily available and fairly inexpensive. There is a large group on Facebook who will answer any question you have about these cars and help you out if you have a problem.
My TR8 was very reliable. Maybe I was just lucky. Over the few years I owned it, I think I remember getting stranded just once or maybe twice.
“Nissan followed up the RB with the VQ-derived VR V6, which is also a big-power motor but nowhere near as common or affordable or supported as the 2J.”
Has anyone considered a possible miss translation/conversion to miles? 26,117 KM converts to 16228.351 Miles. . . Its possible subsequent measurements are in Miles, and not properly converted to Kilometers. . . But that would be too easy an explanation.
SSShhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......Its a slow news day.
I’m fine with Shepherd’s Pie, Bangers & Mash, and Full English Breakfast. They are hearty and delicious. The breakfast above only vaguely resembles the latter dish, as Beckham has clearly made some personal modifications. Therefore the headline should probably read “What Is Wrong With Beckham.”
I’m gonna stick to my guns on this one: skyline chili.
Americans really don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to disgusting food stereotypes. This is the land of Wonderbread, Krispy Kreme, and Cheese Whiz.