I’m not crying, you’re crying.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
I wanna know why Russia keeps moving its country so close to our bases!
You’re pretending like the US is some altruistic defender of law and order, which is a laughably naive position to take.
The US does claim a number of uninhabited islands in the Pacific (Guano Islands, etc), and claim a 200mile EEZ around these islands. This is in addition to all the other US colonies in the Pacific- Marshall Islands, Marianna Isl, Guam, Samoa, etc. So the USA is certainly not in the clear here.
I don’t get it. Engines are pretty much engines. You still have to “know how to work on” any engine in any car or else it will go horribly awry.
E-type folks always say the 6-cylinder motors are likely to have been well maintained because any mechanic could work on them. That XK engine was produced from 1949 to 1992 and is pretty well known for being a reliable, dependable workhorse.
“Vintage Jaguar engines have such a reputation for breakdowns”
Lasers are line of sight weapons. Because the projectiles are moving too fast at the re-entry phase and are too high during the mid-course phase, anti-ballistic missile systems have only been designed to target the weapons during the boost phase. That means the laser system will have to be within 200 miles of the…
You mean the Queen who encouraged her parliament to respect the wishes of governed people of the Empire she inherited and essentially dismantled the British Empire under her rule?
That was mostly UKIP, although Tories didn’t help. The main issue though was mostly about less immigrants from EU member states (eg from Poland) as they had the right of free movement . People from third countries are still bound by the same immigration laws.
To what end, establish enlightenment communism? I think one of the biggest mistakes currently being made is trying to view Russian actions through the dusted off lens of Cold War ideology.
America has bases all around the world and interferes in other countrys’ business as it wills.
When are we going to start training cops to shut the fuck up and let one officer give the commands? Every time we see a video like this involving more than one or two cops, they’re ALL screaming different, often contradictory commands. It makes it almost impossible to not be “resisting.” Almost as if that’s the point.
That is because the U.S. has become a police state. You like your freedom? Cower to them and look away like an abused dog. Look at them and show confidence, and they’ll have a problem with you. Mess with them like in the video, and you’re lucky if you don’t get shot.
but months are larger than days so you’re going medium>small>large. weirdos :)
US Military uses that date format exclusively as well.
Disdain for road worker knows no cultural or geographical bounds.