Mr Ordinary

But more direct methods didn’t exist until the mid-1970s, when the Soviet Union put a cannon (a cannon!) on an orbiting space station, though that never fired.

He’ll Niva get far!

Holy cow! He was really Russian through that airport!

True, still worth more than a dollar. I thought it had dropped more than that.

Part of being American, is reveling in blatant hypocrisy.

How dare a country vote to free themselves from a controlling oligarchy. They didn’t even dump tea in a harbor.

1st Gear: Counterpoint (and yes, I know this logic only operates in a very simple scenario): This is actually a great thing for the UK’s economy in the short term. A depressed currency means more incentive to manufacture and buy domestic, and improves the ability to export at a profit. China has done it for decades,

1st gear: Welp, some one has to make this hot take so... *cracks knuckles*

I don’t think America has any right to criticize another country’s voting results right now. Unless you’re into homunculi of bad choices and used merkins.

Then again, there’s more to your daily driving aspects than just the stuff you mentioned there - some of which is personal and where, for me, the F-Type wins.

Rarely is a modern car devoid of this issue. My 997 with very low mileage had absolutely terrible rattles and squeaks (still have some of these on my YouTube channel). One of the main reasons it had to go this year - for an F-Type R. At least that doesn’t squeak and rattle at the moment!

Pretty much every Corvette in the same time frame has horrible squeaks and rattles too. Hence the better materials, not engineering. I’d rather be wrapped in leather and carbon fiber when my car dies than cheap plastic when my supercharger overheats.

all dem limp modes, bruh

“As an American, I feel a duty to point out that had they tested the SVR against a Z06, this fight would have gone another way. Probably.”

I believe you are. The F-Type is a gorgeous car.

Politicians will be calling me to present data regarding the matter for years!

That’s not “saying as much” that’s coming to a conclusion about a video’s purpose, when the video explicity states it’s purpose.

It says three seconds into the video that it’s a 0-60 mph test. In graphics. Right there for you. Why did you just try to write an article acting as if you’re deducing what is actually shown. There’s nothing sneaky about it, and this article kind of pisses me off. Both because it’s click baity as all hell and because

They cling to their guns and religion and we end up with a circus peanut for President.

Get to this place? Get? Have you not paid attention to the last 200 years of American history? We’ve been there for a very long time!

Take a bow.