Mercedes, Renault, Ferrari and Cosworth would like a word with you.
Mercedes, Renault, Ferrari and Cosworth would like a word with you.
Wow. I will have to tell the designers of the BBC Micro-Bit, the Acorn Archimedes, all of the Spectrum and Sinclair PCs, and ARM (which is the company that designs chips for cellphones, routers, Android phones and tablets, and Nintendo’s GameBoy Advance, DS, and possibly the upcoming Nintendo Switch).
He’s probably talking about the Type 45 ships which don’t like warm water. They use Rolls Royce engines, which run just fine, and intercoolers by Northrop Grumman, an American company, which aren’t quite so fine. The makers say they comply with spec and that the blame lies with whoever determined the spec.
How we make Jaguars? I think you’re thinking of the Indians. :(
Guy Ritchie? Is that you?
Standards in other industrialized countries are generally more stringent than here in the U.S. They certainly are in the U.K., the EU, and Japan.
Not to mention engine cc restrictions!
10 to 6 victories for Hamilton in 2015 and 10 to 9 victories in 2016 with one more race to go.. Just let that sink in before you try to compare Hamilton and Rosberg in 2015..
2015 Nico def had the unreliability, he retired twice to Hamilton’s one. But in both cases Lewis was well clear in the points, so it didn’t really swing the pendulum like this year. 2014 was worse for Lewis, he had many issues early on in quali and retired race 1.
Actually the car was RHD from the UK, but yes, those were the original plates it had since new, 1992 if I’m not mistaken
The correct pronunciation of a car made by Toyota :-P
As someone who is quite far removed from the history WWII (Millennial) and really only knowing what I was taught in school (sadly).... THIS IS FRICKING GENIUS. I am now genuinely interested in learning more about crazy things like this that lead to the allies winning the war.
Because we had to be.
Britain in particular was devilishly clever during the war.
You say, “plan masterminded by the creator of James Bond”.
But can he do it on a cold rainy night in Bet365 Stadium?
I was thinking this... sounds like Robbie was having one over on the show.
Kimi, do you have something to say to Robbie, he’s a big fan!