... may save your ass. A vehicle this heavy with too little body roll would one, likely break your teeth out and two would go from corner-corner-corner to OH SHIT PANIC I’M ABOUT TO ROLL! lickety-split. That roll is data for your brain to reel it back in.
He got fired by old /drive ‘mgt’ team. So, he missed all the stupidity that ensued.
Hey, one of these days, could you (or someone) write a story on the whole history with Farah, Drive, the Drive, Spinelli, Jalopnik, etc? I’ve heard that Spinelli started Jalopnik, then I think he was part owner of /drive with Matt Farah, then something happened and Matt started his own thing and Harris and some others…
It seems like drugs or mental health problem. So many are wasting police time by ringing up and blocking lines for emergencies. Most of the calls were coming from teenagers in America who thought that bethnal green where the meet up was being held was basically a war zone. It is place in London and they were linking a…
Glad this was mentioned.
This. Lewis was saying Esteban was #ass.
Needs Murray Walker on the call.
Rio is in the same hemisphere so the water drains the same as in Australia.
The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.
You’d think the mayor would appreciate somebody who didn’t dwell on Rio’s problems.
Ignoring flags and holding up the leader when you’re about to go a lap down is just as disrespectful. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but Gutiérrez shoulders some of the responsibility.
What you’ve missed pointing out in your article, is that Gutierrez was a lapped car who had an obligation to get out of the way asap and safely. Yeah, you say the blue flags were waving, but half the readers of your content won’t know what that means.
Counterpoint, Hamilton was spicy! Guiterrez was salty.
It looks like a minion wearing a darth vader helmet.
Let’s see who wins when the R is equipped with the dual-clutch transmission option.
You didn’t even mention the DS and SM! Those are my favorites.
Hats off to these guys.