Mr Ordinary

Every once in a while there are cars that are a perfect amalgamation of parts to achieve a goal, fitting together so well it seems like there was no way it couldn’t have been made exactly like it was. Of course they made it exactly like that, it must’ve been obvious to them while they were designing it! It seems like

This website has been producing a stream of anti-brexit articles. Most of which mention how stupid people were voting to leave the EU. This article doesn’t even need a brexit angle. And could be written the other way around.

“Given that the Vauxhall is identical to the Opel short of the whole left versus right hand

Thanks for wasting my time with what I already know. Again none of the benefits of trade requires being a member of the EU and following their dictates.

Such clauses were and still are speculative on how brexit plays out. I’ve not speculated what will happen only that it can be better or worse depending on how it is handled.

I have more of a clue than you do.

I think basically all of this is disproven by how common Brexit clauses were in contracts concerning international business dealings in/with the UK in the leadup to the vote.

Says a man without a single counterpoint

I realize gawker media pressures these sort of articles into being (because our betters want to condition people into their schemes) but really there’s no necesscary relationship between EU membership and trade. Trade can be far freerer outside the dictates the EU or less free depending on how it is decided to be.

Mr. Bean is alive and well!

Having thought about it, Turkey is too mentally unstable to be allowed into the EU and this is the proof (if any was needed).

If the death sentence is brought back, Turkey can forget about any hope it has of joining the EU.

For what I know and from an historical point of view, the Turkish military are the secular and anti-fundamentalist part of their society, still trying to enforce the pro-European and multi-cultural directives of Kemal Ataturk, that are despised by the present, fundamentalist muslim Government. Curiously, at 22.25 CEST

Tesla 2.8

Yea Tesla will beat it on the first two runs while the Porsche can do it all day consistently.

The 991.2 Turbo would munch a P90D...

Best out of 10 and the Porsche would crush it.

what? cleverusername, maybe, but not so clever comment...

OK.... but that’s a Ginetta G40, not a TVR.