Mr Ordinary

Read the text near the end. The people in the white house did.

In Takata reality, an airbag is like jumping off a 10 story building and landing in NAM and you walk straight into your own claymore.

The BMW driver was definitely at fault, but I think that the Yaris’ crash was due to a poor reaction by its driver.

I hope someone offered the driver a cup of tea.

The totally innocent person apologising like crazy, the man in shock saying things like “let’s just take this calmly”, and the nearby residents making them a nice cup of tea... that is so charmingly British.

I’m on a road trip from Texas to Lake Tahoe with my retiree mom. Hitting the sights on the way. Yesterday, we were in the Yosemite valley when I took wrong turn on a walking path and after an already too long for my mom walk got us stuck between shuttle stops. My mom was really struggling, so I stopped her and stuck

Do you think his bowler hat was badly damaged?

“Oh fudge”

Some people aren’t so nice.

I think it possibly could be rural anywhere.

100% the driver’s last thought before the roll were either:

Their ridiculous cool-headedness and level tempers are giving me road rage, and I’m not even driving.

I didn’t book early so I stayed in a hotel that was in the outskirts of Southampton. That’s about 45 min away. It turned out to be perfectly fine, I was perfectly happy to have a nice drive to Goodwood in the morning, and back in the evening. Part of the reason was that parking facilities were quick and easy to get

And that’s what’s hilarious - Lewis is going to win the title. And considering they aren’t even half way through the calendar he’s going to eventually wipe the floor with Nico. With everything from mechanical dnfs, terrible pit strategy, awful tire strategy, slow pit stops, etc Nico STILL can’t pull away from

I’m gonna stop believing anything involving Nikki Lauda in these Hamilton vs Rosberg stories. Lauda has always taken Nicos side, always praises Nico and always criticizes Hamilton. It’s clear who’s side hes on. He’s not impartial.

Perhaps find more than one source. Lauda has made some crazy statements over the years. I’m not saying he didn’t damage the room. He might have simply smashed a lamp, and Lauda ramps it up for a bit more controversy. Despite that, it wouldn’t be the first time a driver had an angry moment. Pardon the pun, but winning

A few things... I’m by no means a Lewis fan, but I don’t think this should pit Lewis in a bad light. This isn’t a first - Senna trashed his Monaco flat after Monaco in 1988, and I’m 100% sure this happens all the time in high level sports. He can get through his emotions in any which way he wants as long as he keeps

Interesting but I don’t care if he destroyed an entire building. He is paid to drive a car and he is extremely good at it, and any top level driver cares about winning above all else, so it is not surprising to hear that he had a meltdown. And if it is just trashing a room and he will pay for it...who cares. His team

Nico, self-proclaimed German. Lauda an Austrian. And most Austrians think of themselves as practically German. If Lewis wasn’t so good at what he does, I don’t think he’d be on that team at all.