Mr Ordinary

“The best way to see a car is coming sideways through a chicane.” Beautifully said, by a man who loves to drive.

Petrolicious is a fantastic channel that deserves more attention. Worth watching them on the best screen you have.

Great video. I love what he says about nailing the shifts and the reward of driving at the limit. In a very similar but also very different way it’s why I love riding motorcycles on the race track. No traction control, no ABS, no nothing - you have to put your body in the right place at the right time, be in the right

Petrolicious makes all the best car vids.

Objects of beauty, grace, and power.

This looks positively terrifying to drive.


I disagree as does the FIA and the overwhelming majority of professional racecar drivers

Because as I said once Lewis is past the is no way for him to react accurately to what Nico was doing.

There is pushed wide on the exit vs. not even turning for the corner. But there are other theories....

What I meant by the thing everyone is overlooking, was simply that Lewis was already far past a majority of Nico’s car. Its that fact and that fact alone that prevents it from being “Nico’s corner”. If Lewis is along side then there would be an argument to be made. Once Lewis is that far along every other argument is

That’s the difference between two technically gifted (arguably equal in that dept) racers that makes one a 3 time champion with a solid shot at #4 and the other a maybe one time WDC if his luck holds out.

Yes it is a risk but that still doesn’t absolve Nico of blame. You can’t just drive straight until the other car turns and call it a block.

See that’s the difference between Hamilton and Rosberg. Lewis knows exactly where the line is, he knows where he can push and generally where it will work. Rosberg does not. Time and time again he’s shown that he can’t really pick his moments. He always seems to draw the line too thick and at the wrong time.

Yep, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Hamilton is, quite simply, a better driver even when it comes to pulling these “grey area”moves.

I pretty much completely agree with you that the greats can clearly find that perfect line of nudging you out a little wide but not crashing you out but Schumacher and senna clearly have been on the wrong side of that too. Especially schumi in Jerez 97. It just seems that when nico tries to be aggressive he comes off

Exactly, HAM is more of a natural when it comes to being aggressive. ROS, not even close.

Yes, he didn’t turn with the intention of running Lewis wide into the sausage curbs, yes there is history, but he had braking issue on that last lap too... and he didn’t brake EARLIER or lift off earlier to let the aero slow down the car either, that is what Wolff and Lauda were not happy about. This is almost as bad

Hamilton in those previous instances was always, or almost always, on the racing line or corner apex. That’s a markedly different situation that this.

Hamilton couldn’t see him, so he left a huge amount of space for Nico to take the inside line at the corner, and turned in as late as he could. Nico waited until after Hamilton started to turn before wiggling his steering wheel a little bit to give the impression that he was attempting to take the corner. How on earth