Mr Ordinary

Oh, I get that, I was just getting in the spirit of Mike’s joke (in fact my first attempt at a “witty” comment was a slightly reworked speech from Independence Day.. The real reasons behind Mr. Evans’ departure will probably be kept under wraps, but for me the reason is probably that the bloke just understood that

I guess his big contract with Top Gear gave her the confidence to finally get around to alerting authorities.

This is what I don't understand. Evans has been a household name in the UK for a long time. Not to discredit the properness of her allegations, but why now?

But Top Gear USA has been cancelled w/o even a chance for the hosts to say goodbye on-air.....

Three words... “Top Gear US"

And in a couple of years it will emerge he was only hired for one season and his job was to be the hate-sink and rebound host anyway. I mean, be honest here, no matter who it was that took the job they’d be hated simply for not being Clarkson and the BBC would have known that. Solution, pay someone a lot of money to

Typical American, making it all about them, they did it all, no-one else played a part. Where have we heard that before ...

In case he gets hungry!


I simply would like it to be clear to the readers that there were faster cars out there

Since I did not note the time in the post, Raph would like me to mention it. The time was 47 seconds.

“I am not perfect. Nor are you.”

Nah, just a simple beating followed by a civil forfeiture of his car(s) because they felt like it

Even a Pikes car or Gobstopper would need some fairly significant suspension adjustments. Pikes and Goodwood are very smooth climbs, the roughness of the IoM course puts The Ring to shame.

... from a production based (that means stock block and heads) 2.0- liter turbocharged boxer four cylinder engine out of the STi.

I thought it was a dull episode aside from the okay M2 review, and the fantastic Jaaaaaaag piece.

The Sun is more accurate than our New York Times or Whurshington Compost, or anything having to do with NBC News. At least the Sun doesn't pretend to be serious journalism.

Now playing

Only about as serious as we take the results of your Bexit vote...

Don’t worry about us misunderstadning the power of your tabloids. We’re too busy hatimg your pasty asses for ruining our retirement plans with that douchetastic brexit.