
"He’s tearing up his last chance to “play this smart,” as Phillips says;
really, it’s his last chance, period. If Vic takes the retirement and
just lays low for four months, Kavanagh’s investigation most likely gets


We have our first spottings of Monica "Rawlings" this week, as not only does Aceveda add an s to her name, but so does the Danny paternity whiteboard at the barn. For most of this season, characters will forget her name (Claudette even calls her "Rollins" at one point), but

I'm just saying (with no knowledge whatsoever of the historical Masters) that it's very possible for someone to believe homosexuality is a bizarre fetish and being born intersex is merely a biological aberration.

Seeing "Shatner's World", where he insists that that line was "not funny" in the midst of making the same Jewish-mother jokes every Jewish comedian has made for the past 200 years, did wonders for any residual admiration I'd had for Shatner. It also made me intensely aware of just how full of shit he is. (Apparently

Scuttlebutt is that "not getting along with" Hurley means refusing his advances.

Yeah, maybe it's my Southern background, but he does not sound Protestant to me.

I'm actually starting to like them. Not just because the hatred on this and other sites centers so much around them smoking (fictional characters using tobacco is apparently way more offensive than them using cocaine), but because the response to their nihilistic…whatever…is greatly resembling the shit I got for being

This show is really stepping it up on screeching baby shots. I am one more smash-cut-to-crying-baby from watching the entire episode muted.

Homophobia doesn't come in only one flavour. There are conservative Middle Eastern countries that fund sex change surgeries but execute people for homosexuality. The idea that your birth gender doesn't match your desire is, for some reason, far more accepted in many places than the idea that you might be a man, with

Let that be a lesson to us all: next time you want to unload your secrets abut a crime committed against you, don't do it to the cops.

I think my biggest laugh of the entire episode was hearing that the dog was named Monarch while listening to it pant.

It goes in the list of "cartoon locations I originally thought were fictional" next to Abu Dhabi.

Well, other countries' mileage may vary, but in Canada, murder is the crime with the lowest rate of recidivism by a huge margin. (Hiring discrimination laws also provide a measure of protection for ex-prisoners).

You know, since the review apparently isn't going up today (off this week? Nowalk said "next week" above), there's nothing stopping you from posting your review here in anticipation. ;)

I was half expecting all the overheard "we love Sookie!" stuff to lead to a reveal that she'd had a psychotic break and was hallucinating the entire episode.

So why isn't this on the main "Rectify" page? I had to find it by clicking on Erik Adams's name.

Well, he's not on parole, so it's not like he has to pass regular drug tests. He's risking a possession charge, sure, but no more than anyone else at the party. Legally speaking, he'd be a first-time offender.

Yes, yes…"recording" it.

In Canada most people convicted of first-degree murder are paroled after 25 years. In most other western nations it's between 15 and 25. (And unless you count Japan as western, the US is the only one with the death penalty.)