
I could do a whole spinoff with Steenburgen as the villain.

I have a friend who, when he wore out his VHS of III as a child, thought for years Shatner was saying "as we say on Earth, Tel Aviv!"

I want to see Bassem Youssef get it.

Well. Anything except obey the law and thereby guarantee them a stable home environment with two parents who are present enough to make a difference.

The plot with Dutch and Marshall echoes (deliberately?) an episode of Homicide where Bayliss, in many ways a proto-Dutch character, is beginning to explore his bisexuality. Bayliss follows through on the dinner date; do you think Dutch did? (The writers have said they were aware of the comparison and tried hard not to

So, dwarves have now been casually added to the canon of this show in throwaway dialogue. Which I suppose is marginally better than having them pontificate nonstop about the things dwarves do.

Still holding steady at zero lumberjacks.

I thought the curse was lifted when Marnie died, or by Jesùs, or something.

I want to know how much the Department of Sudden Departures pays. She can casually drop $3,000 on being shot regularly, another $1,000 on Wayne, and stock her house weekly full of food for 3 people who aren't there anymore? What's that make her, a GS-12, at least?

It didn't show up on HBO Canada, which is often weird about its programming (we never get a trailer at the end of the episode, only next week — immediately preceding the "previously on").

I was really expecting her to pull out her "Guest" pass and have it read Nora Durst. Quite a successful troll. (And is it just me, or was that party scene reminiscent of Rectify?)


She's shown up twice before in early seasons, saving Sookie from poisonous maenad stuff and getting Pam's face back to normal after she's cursed by the witch.

Who knew there was a Hallmark Channel?

I'll still defend Captain Billings! (Except for the vending machines and the nanny cam.) He protects his detectives to the best of his ability and lets them do their jobs without micromanaging. As Barn captains go, if I had a desk in the detective squad, I'd rather report to Billings, who has no political ambitions,

If it's a joke, it's too subtle for me. Scott Brazil died around the time this season came out; I'm not sure whether he or Shawn Ryan created the character. My guess is it's just a simple fuckup that they discovered between seasons 5 and 6.

Actually, on second thought, I'm not so sure he's not trying to play her, given that he tried this same stunt with Danny in season 1, and Claudette called him out on it. "Unless the first question is 'will you sleep with me?', you're wasting your time." Dutch has a history of somewhat questionable behaviour with